Cán we táke á moment to áppreciáte this protein-rich vegán enchiládá? They're á big success in my home ánd I cán't wáit to máke it ágáin, becáuse they áre so delicious! Not only delicious, but they áre álso rich in protein, gluten free, vegetáble, peánut free, ánd only contáin heálthy ingredients. Hás your mouth stárted to flush?
Vegán enchiládás
Prepárátion time
30 minutes
Cook / Cold Time
30 minutes
Totál Time
1 hour
Vegán enchiládás thát áre rich in protein áre máde with lentils ánd other heálthy ingredients. They áre gluten-free, vegetáble-free, nut-free, perfect for lunch or dinner ánd very tásty.
Course: Máin Course
Servings: 12 Enchiládás
- 12 tortillás (22 cm in diámeter)
- Eásy vegán cheese sáuce or enough vegán cheese
- 1 cup of dried green beáns (200 g)
- 2 1/2 cups of vegetáble broth (600 ml)
- 1 cup of sunflower seeds (140 g) * see the recipe notes
- 1 1/3 cup of rolled oáts (GF if needed) (120 g) * see the recipe note
- 3 stácks of tomáto páste tbsp (120 g)
- 2 peppers
- 1 medium sized cárrot, gráted
- 1 medium-sized tomáto, chopped
- 2 cloves of gárlic, chopped
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;">1 lárge onion, cut
2 táblespoons of ground chiá seeds or fláx seeds
spice mixture: 1/2 tbsp onion powder, 1/2 tbsp gárlic powder, 2 tsp dry oregáno, 2 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp smoked peppers
1-2 spicy, chopped chili (or less if you don't like it too spicy)
seá sált ánd pepper to táste
1 táblespoon of oil for frying vegetábles
Enchiládá sáuce:
Recipe Notes
You cán use other seeds or nuts (e.g. wálnuts) insteád of sunflower seeds
Chickpeá flour is á good álternátive for oáts
- 1 táblespoon of olive oil
- 1 táblespoon of gluten free flour (or versátile flour if not GF)
- 2 1/2 cups of tomáto sáuce (600 g)
- spice mixture: 1/2 táblespoon chili powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp gárlic powder, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1/4 teáspoon cáyenne pepper
- seá sált ánd pepper to táste
- Rinse the lentils thoroughly to remove dirt ánd pláce it in á medium sized pot. ádd the stock ánd bring to á boil, then reduce it to á boil. Bring to á boil for ábout 25 minutes (or until soft). Then remove the pán from heát but remáin closed for ánother 10 minutes.
- While cooking lentils, prepáre your enchiládá sáuce first ánd then stárt máking enchiládás. To máke enchiládá sáuce, heát olive oil in á skillet over medium heát. ádd áll the spices ánd cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the flour, ánd cook for á while. ádd tomáto sáuce ánd bring to á boil. Let it boil until the sáuce is thick, ábout 5 minutes
- To máke the contents of enchiládá: In á hot oil pán over medium heát. ádd the onion + gárlic ánd sáute for 3-4 minutes, stirring occásionálly. ádd chopped peppers, tomátoes, gráted cárrots, ánd 1-2 spicy chili ánd sáute for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heát ánd set áside.
- ádd áll the dry ingredients (spices, sált + pepper, oáts, sunflower seeds, ánd ground chiá seeds) to á food processor ánd stir for ábout 20-30 seconds.
- ádd cooked vegetábles ánd tomáto páste, ánd mix ágáin.
- Finálly, ádd cooked lentils ánd stir until they áll join. The mixture must stick together ánd the texture will look like in the picture below. If the mixture isn't thick enough or doesn't stick together, ádd more oáts.
- Preheát the oven to 390 degrees F (200 degrees C).
- Spreád 2 táblespoons (100-120 g) of enchiládás over the surfáce of the tortillá.
- Roll the tortillás ánd pláce them on án oiled báking sheet.
- Repeát this step with other tortillás.
- Then pour the enchiládá sáuce on top of the tortillás. I máde two láyers of 4 tortillás eách (7 x 11 in báking dish) but you cán máke just one láyer with 8 tortillás. The filling is enough for 12 tortillás, so you could álso máke more thán 8 (depending on the size of your báking dish).
- Báke uncovered for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, pour my eásy vegán cheese sáuce on top (or use your fávorite vegán cheese to táste), ánd put the enchiládás báck into the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve hot, gárnished with fresh cilántro or greens of choice (optionál). You cán álso pour á little bit of vegán sour creám on top if desired.
Recipe Notes
You cán use other seeds or nuts (e.g. wálnuts) insteád of sunflower seeds
Chickpeá flour is á good álternátive for oáts
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