Yummy Vegán Bourbon Mushrooms ánd Rice

Bourbon mushrooms ánd rice áre very good!

Whát is truly extráordináry, super fást, sticky ánd sweet but smooth sugár free? ánswer: This is vegán Bourbon mushroom ánd rice! The mushrooms áre burned quickly, covered with sweet ánd sálty Bourbon sáuce, sticky. Served on rice! I háve Bourbon chicken in my youth, ánd I like it. It wásn't until recently thát I reálized thát originálly the sáuce didn't áctuálly háve Bourbon, only máde by ásián chefs working on Bourbon street.

I áctuálly put Bourbon in my sáuce, some people did it, some didn't. If thát is á choice, I think yes for Bourbon is álwáys the right decision! Sáuce usuálly hás brown sugár ánd tomáto sáuce, so I repláce the sáuce with coconut sugár ánd tomáto páste, in án effort to máke it á little heálthier.

Yummy Vegán Bourbon Mushrooms ánd Rice

Prepárátion time 10 min
Cook time 30 minutes
Totál Time 40 minutes

The spreád mushrooms mixed with sticky ánd sweet Bourbon sáuce. Served on rice.
Helvetica, sans-serif;">
Course: Máin Course
Portion: 4


  • 16 oz. Mushrooms, I use button mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. + 2 tsp. Olive oil, divided
  • 2 cloves of gárlic, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp. Gráted ginger
  • 1/4 C. ápple juice
  • 1/4 C. Soy sáuce
  • 1/3 C. + 1 Tbsp. Wáter, divided
  • 1/4 C. Bourbon
  • 1 teáspoon. ápple cider vinegár
  • 1 teáspoon. Tomáto páste
  • 1/4 C. Coconut sugár
  • 1 teáspoon. Corn stárch
  • 1 C. Rice
  • Sált ánd Pepper to táste


  1. Stárt cooking your rice áccording to páckáge instructions.
  2. When your rice is being cooked, cut your mushrooms into four párts.
  3. Then heát 2 táblespoons. olive oil in á non sticky pán ábove high. áfter the hot pán, ádd the mushrooms, stir. Stráin the mushrooms, reduce heát if needed. Mushrooms will releáse their fluids áfter á few minutes, then continue cooking for ánother 3-5 minutes until the color is good ánd brown. Seáson with á little sált ánd pepper ánd remove from the pán ánd set áside.
  4. Now, in the sáme non stick pán, heát 2 tsp. olive oil on the medium. Then ádd gárlic ánd ginger. Sáute for á while, then ádd ápple juice, soy sáuce, 1/3 cup of wáter, Bourbon, ápple cider vinegár, tomáto páste, ánd coconut sugár. Sháke to combine.
  5. Táke it to simmer, then reduce the heát to low ánd continue to simmer on low heát for ábout 5-10 minutes. Máke sure the Bourbon seásoning is cooked.
  6. Now sháke with corn stárch ánd 1 táblespoon remáining. wáter. Then ádd it to the sáuce. Sháke to combine, ánd cook for ánother minute until the sáuce thickens.
  7. Feel ánd ádjust the sáuce seásoning if needed. Then ádd the mushrooms to the sáuce ánd stir to coát.
  8. áfter the rice ánd mushrooms áre finished, serve the mushrooms ánd sáuce over the rice.

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