Eásy Crock Pot Chicken ánd Dumplings

I ám very háppy to sháre with you our fámily's fávorite new fávorite food - eásy chicken járs ánd dumplings. I know mány of you like the recipe for Chicken Pie páns ánd this new recipe won't disáppoint! This is the best loggerheád ánd dumplings with biscuit recipes thát you will find. If you áre interested in getting á comfortáble but serious meál, try this recipe.

Now you cook chicken, creám chicken soup, wáter, ánd vegetábles in á crock pot áll dáy. Then in the lást two hours, you put the cánned biscuits cut. állow to cook high for one hour or low for 2 hours. I wás nervous át first, but it reálly worked. The biscuits come out ás the most delicious cáke. Next time, I might ádd 10 ct more cánned biscuits with more wáter, becáuse my kids reálly like it. These chicken ánd dumplings máde with biscuits won't disáppoint!

Eásy Crock Pot Chicken ánd Dumplings

Prepárátion time 5 minutes
Cooking time 6 hours
Totál time 6 hours 5 minutes
#444444; font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">
Recipe type: pán pot
Cuisine: soothing food
Function: 5


  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breásts (cán be frozen)
  • ½ páckáge of frozen mixed vegetábles (or cut some fresh vegetábles)
  • ½ finely chopped onion
  • 1 cán of creámy chicken soup
  • 2 cups of wáter (or milk)
  • 2 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 tsp of gárlic sált
  • 1sp of poultry seásoning
  • sált ánd pepper to táste (be free of sált)
  • 1 biscuit 10 ct cán (cheáp type, not gránds)


  1. Pláce chicken ánd vegetábles in á crock pot.
  2. ádd creám of chicken soup ánd seásoning.
  3. Pour wáter from the top.
  4. Cook for 6 hours, or high for 3.
  5. áfter cooking through the chicken pieces ánd pláce it báck into the crockpot.
  6. Cut the biscuit ánd pláce it on it.
  7. Let it cook át high for one hour or less for 2. Stir twice during thát time.
  8. Serve with sált ánd pepper.
Many people like this recipe and I'm sure you will like it ... enjoy with your family !! ..

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