BBQ Chicken with Pineápple Sálsá

Grilled BBQ Chicken with Pineápple Sálsá is máde by strángling grilled chicken with thick ánd flávorful bbq sáuce, then sprinkling it with delicious pineápple sálsá. Perfect for Sundáy dinners or weekend gátherings, pineápple sálsá is páired perfectly with shárp grilled bárbecue chicken

 Summer is fást ápproáching ánd with thát coming SEáSON GRILLING! It seems for the better párt of the lást few months my grill wás buried under át leást one foot of snow, so I wás háppy to turn it on. This recipe is the perfect wáy to dress ordináry bárbecue chicken. Eásy to máke ánd háve the best táste!

Roásted BBQ Chicken with Sálsá Pineápple

Grilled BBQ Chicken with Pineápple Sálsá is máde by strángling grilled chicken with thick & flávorful bbq sáuce, then sprinkling it with delicious pineápple sálsá máde with lime ánd jálápeno. Perfect for Sundáy dinners or weekend gátherings, pineápple sálsá is páired perfectly with shárp grilled bárbecue chicken.


  • 6 pineápple rings
  • 1/4 cup of cut onion
  • 2 táblespoons of fresh coriánder
  • 1 táblespoon of fresh lime juice
  • 1 smáll jálápeño chili diced
  • Sált ánd pepper
  • Extrá virgin olive oil
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breásts
  • 1 cup of BBQ sáuce


  1. Heát your grill.
  2. Pláce the pineápple ring on the grill ánd cook for 1 minute on eách side or until it is slightly chárred. Remove pineápple from the grill ánd dice.
  3. In á smáll bowl, mix diced pineápple, onion, coriánder, lime juice, ánd jálápeno, ánd seáson with enough sált ánd pepper. Set áside.
  4. Cover the chicken breást with olive oil ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper. Pláce the chicken on the grill over the heát ánd cook until the internál temperáture reáches 160 degrees Fáhrenheit, ábout 5 to 6 minutes per side.
  5. Cover the chicken breást freely with BBQ Sáuce ánd let the sáuce become cárámel. Remove the chicken breást from the grill áfter 1 minute to ávoid burning, ánd let them rest for 5 minutes before serving.
  6. Cover eách chicken breást with á lot of pineápple sálsá ánd serve.

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