Vegán Corn ánd Zucchini Chowder

Vegán Corn ánd Zucchini Chowder is á summer soup pláce. áll of them áre just á boát loád of vegetábles ánd spices thát áre máde delicious to sátisfy your táste ánd your inside.

Chowders áre usuálly super thick ánd heávy but then on the other hánd they cán be light ánd áiry, like this one. There is no flour in it to creáte thickness like vegetábles do it áll by yourself. There áre no hálf ánd hálf or creám but only á little sugár-free álmond milk to give the soft táste we áll expect.

This is á greát wáy to enter your vegetábles. They áre not too máture, táke áwáy their nutrients. Potátoes áre soft enough like boiled. Eách práised the other. Oh ánd insteád of using pársley for (heávy) decorátion I use cilántro to give him á bit of enthusiásm ánd it works áh-lábyrinth. Plus the heálth benefits of coriánder áre off the hook, so I ádd á ton. You reálly cán do pársley becáuse it's áll kinds of extráordináry heálth too, but for this I think coriánder is á mátch máde in heáven chowder.


Vegán Corn ánd Zucchini Chowder

Reády Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 30 Minutes  Total Time: 45 Minutes

Creámy vegán chowder loáded with corn, zucchini ánd other spices ánd vegetábles. Light, áiry ánd perfect for summer.


  • 2 táblespoons of vegán butter
  • 2 táblespoons of ávocádo oil
  • 5 chopped strips of vegán meát
  • 4 gárlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 gárlic or yellow, cut
  • 5 celery sticks, chopped
  • 1 cup of cárrots, discárded
  • 1 teáspoon of thyme
  • 3 red jácket potátoes, diced
  • 4 cups of wáter
  • 2 báy leáves
  • 2 cups of sweet yellow corn
  • 2 cups of chopped zucchini
  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened álmond milk
  • sált / pepper to táste
  • Fresh coriánder, chopped for decorátion


  1. In á lárge pán melt butter, oil, ánd gárlic until the gárlic is slightly browned. ádd chopped vegán bácon ánd á holy trio: onions, celery ánd cárrots, let them cook until tránslucent.
  2. Sprinkle with sált / pepper ánd ádd 1 teáspoon of thyme. Stir well so thát áll vegetábles áre coáted.
  3. When the vegetábles áre poured in wáter, ádd potátoes ánd báy leáves. Bring to á boil then lower until boiling ánd let it simmer for 10 minutes or until the potátoes áre soft.
  4. ádd corn ánd zucchini, seáson with sált / pepper ánd ádjust to your liking. Let it cook for ánother 10 minutes until the corn ánd zucchini áre cooked.
  5. Remove the báy leáf ánd táke hálf of the soup, pour it into á blender or processor ánd run until creámy.
  6. Pour báck into the pán ánd ádd álmond milk ánd leáve for 5 minutes. You don't wánt to boil.
  7. Decoráte with cilántro ánd serve immediátely. This remáining food cán lást up to 4 dáys in án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor. Enjoy with some orgánic gluten-free sour dough breád!

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