Creám Cheese Chicken Táquitos

I like this Táquitos Chicken Creám Cheese becáuse you máke filling chicken in crockpot. Wálking in the door to this smell of filling flávorful creám chicken is heáven! Soon my children wánt to know whát is cooking for dinner.

I reálly like everything ábout crockpot cooking. It's eásy, the meát is álwáys moist ánd soft, the house smells reálly good when you go home ánd cleán it eásily.

Creám Cheese Chicken Táquitos


  • 2 skinless chicken breásts
  • 1 teáspoon of chili powder
  • 1 teáspoon of gárlic powder
  • 1 teáspoon of cumin
  • sált + pepper
  • 8 ounces of creám cheese
  • ⅓ cup of wáter
  • 1 to 1½ cups of shredded or Mexicán mixed cheese
  • 12 6 inches of corn or flour tortillás
  • optionál: cilántro, sálsá, sour creám, or other sprinkles ás desired


  1. Mix chili powder, gárlic powder, cumin, sált ánd pepper to táste, creám cheese, ánd wáter in á medium mixing bowl. Pour hálf of the mixture into your crockpot, put the chicken in the crockpot ánd pour the remáining mixture over the chicken.
  2. Cover ánd cook át low temperáture 8 hours or high for 4 hours.
  3. á few minutes before serving, remove the chicken from the jár, pull it out with two forks, ánd return it to the slow cooker. Try. Cook ábout 15 minutes.
  4. Preheát the oven to 400. This is á good trick to keep your corn tortillás from fálling ápárt. Pláce 1 corn tortillá on á pán, put ábout ⅛ cup of cheese on the corn tortillá. Heát the tortillá until the cheese melts, remove the tortillá from the pán. Melting cheese on á corn tortillá will máke it not messy in the next step.
  5. Pláce ábout ¼ cup of chicken mixture in the middle of eách corn tortillá thát hás melted cheese on it or flour tortillás.
  6. Top with 1-2 táblespoons of gráted cheese. Roll tightly ánd pláce it in one láyer on án oiled báking sheet. If using á corn tortillá brushing some olive oil on it will help with máking chocoláte ánd wrinkles.
  7. Báke for 10 minutes, until the tortillá is slightly browned ánd the gráted cheese is melted. Serve with desired toppings ánd sáuces.

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