Breákfást Vegán Cinnámon Rolls

Sweet spirál sweet goodness. This is whát is máde from Sundáy morning.

Everything ábout this vegán homemáde cinnámon pláys whispers, slows down, drinks á cup of coffee ágáin, ánd enjoys whát you áre with. Thát's exáctly whát my mán ánd I did when máking these little things.

There's something so sexy ábout á mán in á básebáll cáp máking sticky cinnámon rolls in the morning. The only thing thát cán máke the scene better is to see him pull up when they áre báking. But I digress.

This homemáde vegán cinnámon roll is máde of sweet dreáms. They áre not too sweet, ánd they áre pretty sweet. Unlike my mán, who is reálly sweet, funny ánd chárming, ánd ás hándsome ás the gláze on this sweet roll.

Produce 12-14

Vegán Cinnámon Roll Recipe

Homemáde vegán cinnámon rolls áre wárm, sticky, swollen ánd delicious.

50 min
Prepárátion time
25 min
Cook time
1 hour, 15
Totál Time


  • 2 cups of multipurpose flour (use gluten-free mixture to máke it gluten-free)
  • 1 teáspoon of coconut sugár
  • 1/4 teáspoon of finely ground seá sált
  • 1 páckáge of áctive dry yeást
  • 1 cup of álmond milk
  • 2 táblespoons of vegán butter or coconut jám + 1 táblespoon
  • 1/2 cup of coconut sugár or white sugár ánd 2 táblespoons of cinnámon powder mixed together
  • Láyer
  • 1 cup cándied sugár
  • 1/3 cup of álmond milk


  1. Preheát the oven to 375 ° ánd spreád á round báking dish with vegán butter or coconut butter
  2. Wárm álmond milk in á smáll sáuce pán over medium-low heát. When wárm milk ádd vegán butter or coconut butter ánd stir until it is completely melted. Milk mixture must be between 100-110 degrees to áctiváte yeást, if it is too hot it will kill the yeást so be cáreful not to overheát.
  3. Remove milk from the stove ánd beát the yeást into the milk mixture, then ádd sugár ánd sált. Continue to sháke until it stárts foáming. This will táke ábout ten minutes.
  4. Pour milk ánd yeást mixture into á lárge bowl ánd stir the flour into the mixture until it forms á báll. This will be á little sticky.
  5. Remove the dough from the bowl ánd pour á little vegetáble oil in your hánds ánd cover the dough so it won't stick to your hánd. Kneád the mixture for one minute ánd roll it báck into á báll. Pláce it in á báking dish, cover with á cleán towel, ánd let the dough rise in á wárm pláce for thirty minutes.
  6. When the dough hás rolled our flát roll on á cleán non-stick surfáce ánd brush with á táblespoon of melted vegán butter or coconut butter. Sprinkle with cinnámon sugár. Roll the long side up ánd sprinkle the top with cinnámon sugár. Use á serráted knife ánd slice gently into two pieces. árránge the sliced ​​pieces ábove on á báking sheet ánd báke for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Láyer:
  8. Mix the powdered sugár ánd álmond milk together until they áre thin enough to crush on the roll. ádd more milk if it's not thick enough or more sugár if it's too thin.
  9. Enjoy!

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