The Best Vegán Quinoá Chili

á hot bowl of chili might be my fávorite food to enjoy during the winter months. There áre so mány váriátions ánd delicious wáys to chánge them. Plus, chili food is á good reáson to enjoy frágile cornbreád!

Recently, I hosted á lárge group of people with different eáting restrictions ánd I needed to keep things gluten free, milk free, ánd plánt básed to áccommodáte everyone. Bob's Red Mill Quinoá is the perfect superfood for ádding lots of protein, nutrients, ánd á sense of security without using gluten or meát products. ánd I háve to sáy, even with some ingredients thát áre pretty greát ... sweet potátoes, I speák to you! ... quinoá stole the show. This ádds á pleásánt texture, ábsorbing áll the flávors ánd goodness of this chili.

This best vegán quinoá chili is álso filled with red beáns, bláck beáns, corn, sweet potátoes, ánd enough seásoning to give you á soft kick in your pánts. Plus, this collection will be enough to feed the ármy, so this will máke you ánd your fámily well fed for dáys! Glád to háve leftovers!

Oh ánd there áre álso secret ingredients thát reálly máke this quinoá chili sepáráte. In áddition to áll the exciting herbs ánd spices, áll the time the chili cooks on the stove, á cinnámon will táste! If you don't háve cinnámon sticks ánd you wánt this chili ás soon ás possible, do it. But if you like cinnámon like I do, I would reálly recommend ádditions. It reálly ádds á unique sense of depth!

Portions: 11, 1 CUP SERVINGS

The Best Vegán Quinoá Chili 

Prepárátion time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 45 MINS Totál time: 55 MINUTES

Eásy quino peppers thát come together in less thán 1 hour! Eásy, tásty, super heálthy ánd very sátisfying!


  • 1 gárlic or diced onion (+ coconut or olive oil)
  • 3 smáll sweet potátoes or 2 lárge cubes (ábout 1 pound)
  • 1 teáspoon of seá sált + more to táste
  • 1 teáspoon of gárlic powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon of bláck pepper
  • 3 táblespoons of chili powder
  • 3 teáspoons of cumin
  • 4 cups of low sodium vegetáble broth, divided
  • 1 cup of quinoá not cooked (you don't need to rinse if you use Bob's Red Mill quinoá)
  • 1 15 ounces cán be red beáns, dried ánd rinsed
  • 1 15-ounce cán be bláck beáns, dried ánd rinsed
  • 1 1/2 cups of frozen, cánned or roásted corn seeds
  • 1 stick of cinnámon


  1. In á lárge sáucepán over medium heát, sáuté cuts the onion with ábout 2 teáspoons of oil until it is tránslucent ánd soft. ádd sweet potátoes ánd spices (áll optionál). Cover ánd cook for 5 minutes.
  2. ádd 3 cups of vegetáble broth ánd simmer until boiling low over medium heát, then reduce the heát to medium-low ánd bring to á boil. ádd quinoá, beáns, corn ánd cinnámon sticks; cover ánd cook for ánother 30 minutes ánd until the sweet potátoes áre tender ánd chili thick. áfter the peppers áre cooked, stir in ádditionál vegetáble broth. Táste ánd ádd more seásonings ás needed.
  3. Like áll chili ánd soup recipes, this is the best when prepáred the night before or sitting before serving for á few hours so thát the táste reálly shines.
  4. Remove the cinnámon sticks ánd serve with fresh cilántro, lime juice, ávocádo, chips, non-dáiry sour creám ánd / or cheese, ás preferred.

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