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This is ánother yeár: I wánt to throw everything ánd everything on the grill. How ábout you?
Pro uses grill: fewer dishes. You cán smeár it when cooked. Fewer dishes. You cán weár flip flops. Did i mention? Fewer dishes.
So máybe I'm motiváted by á single reáson, but it's very persuásive. ánd this enchiládá mushroom filled with portobello mushrooms bárely máde dishes ... only one bowl. You áre welcome!
Portobello Mushrooms Enchiládás-Stuffed Grilled
Prepárátion time
15 minutes
Cook time
6 minutes
Totál Time
Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">21 minutes
This enchiládá filled with roásted portobello mushrooms is án eásy vegetárián dinner recipe thát is reády in under 25 minutes, ánd won't máke you feel hungry.
Course: Dinner
Cuisines: Grill
Portion: 4
Cálories: 246 kcál
This enchiládá filled with roásted portobello mushrooms is án eásy vegetárián dinner recipe thát is reády in under 25 minutes, ánd won't máke you feel hungry.
Course: Dinner
Cuisines: Grill
Portion: 4
Cálories: 246 kcál
- 4 portobello mushrooms
- 2 táblespoons of olive oil
- 1/2 cup of corn seeds
- 1/2 cup of bláck beáns is dried ánd rinsed
- 1 cup of enchiládá sáuce
- 1/4 teáspoon of sált
- 1 táblespoon of flour
- 1 cup of torn mozzárellá or Monterey cheese jáck
- 2 táblespoons of leeks
- Preheát your bárbecue to medium-high heát.
- By using á smáll spoon, remove the gills from the mushroom.
- Rub the exterior of the mushroom with olive oil ánd pláce it on á lárge pláte.
- In á medium bowl, sháke the enchiládá sáuce, sált ánd flour until there áre no lumps left.
- Spoon ábout 2 táblespoons of corn ánd bláck beáns to eách mushroom. Sprinkle with sáuce. Sprinkle with gráted cheese.
- To grill: Báke over direct heát (on á vegetáble grilling pláte, or directly on á cleán grill) for 5-6 minutes, until the cheese is melted ánd the sáuce boils.
- Sprinkle with spring onions ánd serve with side sálád.
- To báke: Preheát the oven to 450 ° F. Báke for 5-10 minutes, until the cheese is bubbly ánd the mushrooms become soft (but not soft).
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