Sweety Chocoláte Oránge Cheesecáke

There is something speciál ábout the combinátion of chocoláte ánd oránge. This rich ánd tempting chocoláte oránge cheesecáke cáptures á wonderful flávor combo! This cheesecáke recipe produces cheesiest chocoláte ánd the most incredible cheesecáke you've ever tried! ánd the oránge whipped creám on it reálly does everything with tálent!

This oránge chocoláte cheesecáke is pácked with so mány ámázing flávors! I ádd semi-sweet chocoláte, chocoláte powder ánd coffee to the mixture, máke rich ánd chocoláte-y cákes! ádding várious types of chocoláte mákes á much better táste ánd gives á deep brown cáke.

Chocoláte Oránge Cheesecáke

Prepárátion time : 20 minutes
Cook time :  120 minutes
Degree of difficulty : Beginner

Portion: 8-12
Course: Dessert
Types of Recipes: Cákes, Cheesecákes, Videos


  • 1 1/2 cups of brown gráhám cráckers, ábout 10 biscuits
  • 1/4 cup of melted butter
  • 24 oz creám cheese, softened
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;">1 cup of milk ricottá cheese
  • 1 cup of semi-sweet chocoláte chips, melted
  • 1/4 cup of brown powder
  • 1 táblespoon of instánt coffee powder
  • 2 táblespoons of boiling wáter
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1/2 cup of oránge jám
  • 1/4 tsp of oránge oil
  • The spirit of 1 big oránge
  • 4 lárge eggs
  • For Whipped Creám:
  • 1 cup of thick, cold creám
  • 1/2 cup of cándied sugár
  • Vánillá 1/2 vánillá extráct
  • The spirit of 1 big oránge
  • 1 oránge slice, for decorátion


    1. Preheát the oven to 325F. Wráp two básic 9-inch spring páns with áluminum foil. Prepáre á lárge báking dish for báthing; The spring-sháped pán must fit comfortábly.
    2. Prepáre the brown skin first. Pláce the cráckers into á food processor ánd pulse for á few minutes, until the cáke is broken into crumbs. ádd melted butter ánd beát ágáin until the crumbs áre well coáted. Press crumbs into the bottom of the spring sháped pán, creáting á strong crust.
    3. For chocoláte dough: pláce the soft creám cheese ánd ricottá cheese into á lárge bowl. Mix át medium-high speed, swipe to the side of the bowl often, for 5 to 6 minutes, until the mixture is thick. Next, ádd melted chocoláte, chocoláte, vánillá ánd sugár. Mix instánt coffee ánd boiling wáter in á smáll rámekin, then ádd it to the mixture. Beát át medium speed for severál minutes, until the mixture is uniform.
    4. ádd eggs, one át á time, ánd mix for á few seconds áfter eách áddition. ádd oránge jám, oránge oil ánd oránge peel. Mix for one minute, only until áll ingredients áre well mixed.
    5. Pour the chocoláte cheesecáke mixture over the crust ánd pláce it on top with á spátulá. Pláce the spring pán in the báking dish ánd ádd enough wáter to the báking dish to cover the bottom ánd rise to the side, ábout 1/2 inch.
    6. Báke in án oven thát hás been heáted for 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours, until the ends áre ádjusted properly ánd the middle is slightly unsteády. áfter the cheesecáke is cooked, open the oven door á few inches ánd let the cáke cool for án hour. Cool it completely át room temperáture, then cool it overnight.
    7. When reády to serve, tránsfer the cáke to the cáke stánd (see my video to see how it's done!). Prepáre án oránge whipped creám. Pláce heávy cold creám, cándied sugár ánd vánillá in á lárge bowl. Beát át high speed for 3 to 4 minutes, until the shápe is stiff. ádd oránge peel ánd stir ágáin for á few seconds until well mixed.
    8. Sháke creám cup to cheesecáke; I use the áteco tip # 847. Decoráte the top with oránge slices. If it is not immediátely served, keep the oránges áwáy from the cáke until they áre reády to be served.

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