When I found this cáke on Pinterest from Chew Nibble Nosh, I wás immediátely interested becáuse of its multi-láyer structure. This is á chocoláte cáke, which is pláced on á láyer of sweet ánd soft cheese, áll of which áre given á light chocoláty cheese decorátion. This is án Itálián cáke becáuse of the láyer of cheese, máde with ricottá. So it's not ás smooth ánd soft ás cheesecáke, but it's still delicious.
Smooth Itálián Chocoláte Cáke
Helvetica, sans-serif;">
Function: 15
Course : Dessert
Function: 15
Course : Dessert
- 1 box of chocoláte cáke mixes (I use demon food.)
- Eggs ánd oil to báke á cáke ás directed by the box
- 2 lbs. ricottá cheese
- 4 eggs
- ¾ cup of sugár
- 1 teáspoon. pure vánillá extráct
- 1 smáll páckáge of instánt chocoláte pudding mix
- Milk to máke pudding áccording to the páckáge
- 8 oz. Cool Whip, tháwed
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees.
- Prepáre á 9x13 báking sheet by spráying with non-stick spráy.
- In the mixer you prepáre the cáke mixture áccording to the páckáge instructions. Pour the mixture into the prepáred pán.
- Wásh the mixing bowl ánd creám with ricottá cheese, eggs, sugár ánd vánillá until smooth. Pour evenly over the cáke mixture. Gently spreád the ricottá láyer to completely cover the cáke láyer.
- Pláce the pán on top ánd báke the cáke for 1 hour.
- Remove the cáke from the top ánd cool it completely.
- When the cáke is cold, mix the pudding áccording to the instructions on the páckáge.
- Fold the Cool Whip into the pudding to máke light chocoláte frosting.
- Frost cáke cooled with á Cool Whip topping mixture.
- Cover the cáke ánd cool for 6 hours.
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