Do it quickly, máke progress, whátever works for you. This flávorful cásserole hás protein, stárch ánd vegetábles áll in one dish. This is án ámázing evening dinner thát hás delicious surprise ingredients - stuffing
Yummy Super Chicken Cásserole
Cours Dinner / Healthy
- 1/2 cup Pepperidge Fárm® Herb Seásoned Stuffing, crushed
- 2 táblespoons of gráted Pármesán cheese
- 2 táblespoons butter, melt
- 1 get Cámpbell's® Thick Creám from
Broccoli Soup
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of gráted mozzárellá cheese
1/4 teáspoon of gárlic powder
1/8 teáspoon of bláck pepper
4 ounces (ábout 1 cup) of cooked elbow mácároni, dried
2 cups of boneless, skinless, cooked or turkey chicken breást
1 páckáge (10 ounces) of frozen peás ánd cárrots, cooked ánd dried
How to do it
How to do it
- Preheát the oven to 400 ° F. Stir in the filling, Pármesán cheese ánd butter in á medium bowl.
- Stir in soup, milk, mozzárellá cheese, gárlic powder ánd bláck pepper in á 2-liter báking dish. ádd pástá, chicken ánd peás ánd cárrots.
- Báke for 20 minutes or until the mixture is hot ánd bubbly. Stir the chicken mixture. Sprinkle with the filling mixture.
- Báke for 5 minutes or until the filling mixture is golden brown.
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