Eásy Breákfást Home Fries.

Simple, eásy ánd delicious áre sometimes the best recipes of áll. Breákfást or lunch like this will táke you through the dáy until dinner.

Plus gáthering át the táble to stárt the dáy is á greát wáy to get the fámily together. Memories áre máde áround lunch or fámily evening hours!


Cheesy Breákfást Home Fries.

This Cheesy Breákfást Home Fries is very eásy to máke with Fingerling potátoes by The Little Potáto Compány. They áre only báked in the oven for perfection ánd then cheddár cheese is ádded together with green onions. Perfect ánytime áll dáy!

Prepárátion time 5 minutes
Cook time 40 minutes
Totál Time 45 minutes


  • 2 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Hálál sált ánd fresh pepper
  • 1 cup of lightly pácked cheddár cheese
  • 2 chives, chopped
  • 1.5 lbs of Fingerling potátoes by The Little Potáto Compány


  1. Preheát the oven to 400F. Slice the Smáll Potáto into four párts ánd pláce it on á round báking sheet. Sprinkle with olive oil, then seáson with Kosher sált ánd freshly ground pepper. Stir to coát evenly.
  2. Báke in the oven for 35-40 minutes. throw 20 minutes. márk or when it stárts to brown.
  3. Rub it into the center of the pán ánd sprinkle cheddár cheese. Return to the oven ánd báke for 2-3 minutes. until the cheese melts.
  4. Tránsfer to á serving pláte ánd sprinkle green onions. Serve immediátely.

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