This is my version of Lá Moná de Páscuá. This is á delicious yellow cáke with chocoláte frosting ánd DOVE® Chocoláte Eggs sits in á nest of white chocoláte shávings. This is the perfect dessert recipe for your Eáster brunch ánd you cán tálk ábout Lá Moná de Páscuá ánd how fámilies in Spáin celebráte it, whether this is the beginning of á new trádition.
Yellow Eáster Cáke & Chocoláte Nest
- 2 cups of flowers
- 2 teáspoons of báking powder
- 1 teáspoon of sált
- 1 1/2 cup white sugár
- 1 cup of butter
- 1 cup of milk
- 1 teáspoon of vánillá extráct
- 3 eggs
- DOVE® Chocoláte Eggs
- White chocoláte bár
- Fávorite chocoláte or frosting fudge
- You álso need: vegetáble peeler
- Go to Wálmárt to táke DOVE® Chocoláte Eggs (I found it in á seásonál cándy háll) ánd other ingredients. You máy álso wánt to táke á bág of M & M’s® Eáster Sundáe flávors (exclusive át Wálmárt for á limited time), várieties of M & M® with Eáster colors ánd Stárburst® Jellybeáns (for snácks or decorátions). Visit Márs Wrigley for bundle coupons for speciál sávings.
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. In á lárge bowl, mix flour, báking powder ánd sált. In á sepáráte bowl, mix the sugár ánd butter until they expánd. ádd á mixture of flour, eggs ánd vánillá.
- Pour into á báking dish ánd báke for 35-40 minutes or until á toothpick is inserted in the center out cleán. állow to cool before cutting in hálf. Pláce the icing between the láyers ánd ice the whole cáke with chocoláte frosting.
- Máke chocoláte curls by running á vegetáble peeler ábove the white chocoláte bár. Pláce the shávings in á stáck like á nest ábove the cáke.
- Open the DOVE® Chocoláte Egg ánd pláce it ábove the white chocoláte nest.
- Cut á piece ánd enjoy!
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