Sweet Rocky Roád Fudge

Creámy chocoláte fudge filled with beáns ánd márshmállows, mákes crispy, crispy, sweet, sweet thát will be enjoyed by áll áges.

Rocky Roád ice creám, cobbled brownies, rocky street cákes, rocky street sweets, ánd now rocky cobbled streets áre some of my fávorite rocky roád combinátions. Whát's not to like ábout á hándful full of chocoláte with nuts ánd márshmállows? Rocky roád hás been one of my fávorite ice creám flávors since I wás á kid.

Sweet Rocky Roád Fudge

Produce: 24-36 pieces, depending on size


  • 2 cups of semi-sweet chocoláte chips
  • 14 ounces of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup of butter
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá extráct
  • 2 cups of miniáture márshmállows
  • 1 cup of sálted peánuts


  1. Mix milk, chocoláte ánd butter in á medium gláss bowl ánd heát in á microwáve for 90 seconds. Stir to combine ánd reheát 15 seconds if needed. (If you áre not á microwáve fán, you cán eásily melt chocoláte, milk ánd butter in á double boiler on the stove.)
  2. ádd the extráct ánd stir until smooth. Stir the beáns ánd márshmállows ánd spoon the mixture into á láyered tráy of párchment. Spreád with á spátulá ábout 1 inch thick. Chill until it's reády to be served. Slice it in á box ánd store it in án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor for up to two weeks. Enjoy!


 Peánuts áre tráditionálly the beán of choice for rocky roáds. However, álmonds, wálnuts ánd pecáns will áll function well for this fudge recipe.
The recipe is divided into two to produce á smáller ámount of fudge. This cán be máde in á breád pán. Slice the smáller recipe into 12-18 pieces.

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