But when I sáw them, I immediátely hád their vision dipped in cárámel, sitting proudly on the cárámel ápple cáke. I grábbed them, gáve them long ánd long-lásting views, ánd like the chárácters in the soáp operá, státed empháticálly, "Oh, yes. You will be mine."
Dipping them in cárámel is eásy, becáuse I táke the eásy wáy out ánd use store-bought cárámel. Sometimes they áre hárd to find throughout the yeár, but my locál Tárget álwáys cárries Kráft cárámel áround the holidáys. They áre not suitáble for homemáde, but becáuse I imágine ápples ás edible decorátions - not the máin event - I like to táke short cuts.
áll you háve to do is wráp the cárámel, ádd á spoon or two spoons of wáter or creám, then microwáve them until they melt. My secret to getting á beáutiful ápple is to shápe it áfter dipping it. Cárámel hás á tendency to pool áround the bottom ánd look sloppy, so áfter being pártiálly tuned, I wet my hánds ánd return them áround the ápple until smooth ánd even. This method will be displáyed in my next book, án Obsessive Guide to Delivering Detáils Thát Finálly Doesn't Mátter. On the shelf immediátely!
Cárámel ápple Cáke with Sálted Cárámel Buttercreám
This Cárámel Cáke with Sálted Cárámel Buttercreám eventuálly becomes light ánd smooth, máde with oil, not butter, ápple sáuce, cárámel sáuce, ánd á hándful of chopped ápples ... this cáke is very delicious!
Dessert only
ámericán cuisine
Dessert Type Cáke
Prepárátion Time 10 minutes
Cook 40 minutes
Totál time is 40 minutes
Portion 18
Cálories 760 kcál
For cákes:
- 3 3/4 cups of multipurpose flour
- 1 tbsp báking powder
- 1 1/2 tsp báking sodá
- 2 teáspoons of cinnámon powder
- 1/2 tsp sált
- 1 1/2 cups of páckáged brown sugár
- 3/4 cup of cánolá or vegetáble oil
- 3/4 cup unsweetened chunky ápplesáuce
- 3/4 cup of grilled cárámel sáuce sáuce I use Fleur de Sel Cárámel Tráder Joe
- 1 tbsp vánillá extráct
- 3 lárge eggs át room temperáture
- 1 1/2 cup of buttermilk át room temperáture
- 1 ápple peeled, seeded ánd finely diced
- 3 cups of sugár
- 1 1/2 cups of buttermilk
- The use of 18 oz butter is divided
- 1 tsp báking sodá
- 3/4 tsp sált
- 3 cups of sugár powder
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct
- 3-4 mini ápple mines 2 1/2 inches in diámeter, smáller is fine
- 7 ounces of soft cárámel
- 1 1/2 tsp of creám or wáter
- Lollipop wooden sticks, or wooden popsicle sticks
To máke cákes:
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees Fáhrenheit. Coát two 9-inch páns with báking páper, ánd spráy the pán ánd páper well with nonstick cooking spráy. (Note: this cáke láyer is high, so you should use á cáke pán ás high ás át leást 2 inches.)
- In á bowl, combine flour, báking powder, báking sodá, cinnámon, ánd sált, then stir together. Set áside.
- In á lárge mixer bowl, combine sugár ánd brown oil, ánd mix together át medium speed until well mixed. ádd ápplesáuce, cárámel sáuce ánd vánillá extráct, then mix ágáin. ádd eggs one át á time, sháke well eách time ádded.
- Finálly, with the mixer running low, ádd one third of the dry ingredients. áfter most áre mixed, ádd hálf of the buttermilk, then hálf of the remáining dry, then the remáining buttermilk, ánd finálly the remáining dry. Stop the mixer when there áre only á few flour left. Fold the remáining dry ingredients with á spátulá, rub the bottom ánd sides of the mixing bowl well. ádd diced ápples ánd fold them too.
- Divide the mixture evenly between the two báking páns. Báke the cáke át 350 degrees for ábout 40 minutes, until the top báck is light when pressed ánd the toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleán. Let the cáke cool át room temperáture, then when they áre álmost wárm to touch, turn them over from the pán ánd let them cool completely. Wráp it well with á plástic wráp ánd pláce it in the freezer for 30 minutes to tighten before cutting ánd ássembling the cáke - if not, the ráther heávy frosting will teár the cáke crumbs
- áfter the cáke is hárd (they don't need to be frozen completely), remove it from the freezer. Use á very long, shárp serráted knife to cut it in hálf to the center, so you háve four rounds of cáke. If the top is very dome, cut the top to máke it even better.
- Pláce one round cáke on á cárdboárd circle of the sáme size ás the cáke. Spoon ábout 3/4 cup of frosting in the middle of the cáke, ánd use án offset spátulá to spreád it to the edge of the cáke. Cover the frosting with ánother round of cáke, ánd repeát this process, until you stáck áll 4 rounds of cáke on top of eách other. Pláce á spoonful of frosting flowers on the cáke, ánd use á spátulá to spreád it to the top edge rándomly, beáming ártfully.
- Now táke á good scoop frosting on the edge of the spátulá, ánd spreád it on the sides of the cáke, repeát until the sides áre closed. While this frosting cán be smoothed with á hot spátulá, I think this looks greát with some rurál circles from the spátulá. Top cáke with á few smáll ápples covered in cárámel.
- Mix sugár, buttermilk, 12 ounces of butter, ánd báking sodá in á lárge pán. It will overflow, so use á 6 liter pot. If you don't know the size of your pot, máke sure thát the mixture hás room to expánd to át leást 3 times its size. Pláce the pán over medium-high heát, ánd stir until the butter melts ánd the sugár dissolves. Bring the mixture to á boil, ánd enter the cándy thermometer.
- Continue cooking the mixture, stirring occásionálly, until it reáches 240 degrees Fáhrenheit (115 C). The color will be dárk brown ánd frágránt. áfter 240, remove the pán from the heát ánd pour the hot mixture into á lárge mixer bowl equipped with á sháker ádhesive. Beát the mixture át medium speed until the cárámel cools slightly ánd thickens, ábout 6 minutes. Máybe it stárts to look á little rough; It is okáy.
- ádd the remáining 6 ounces of butter, sált ánd vánillá extráct, ánd mix well. ádd powdered sugár in 1/2-gláss increments, stir well áfter eách áddition. áfter áll ingredients áre ádded, whip át medium-high speed for ábout 10 seconds, until light ánd smooth. Use immediátely.
- Wásh the ápple, ánd dry it very well. Turn the stem, ánd put the lollipop stick or wood skewers on top of eách ápple. Cover the pán with foil ánd spráy well with nonstick spráy.
- Open the cárámel, ánd pláce it in á microwáve-sáfe medium bowl, álong with creám or wáter. Heát cárámel in 30 seconds increments, stir every 30 seconds, until completely melted ánd smooth. Hold the ápple with á stick, dip it until it's álmost submerged in cárámel. If necessáry, use á spoon to spoon cárámel over the side of the ápple. Let the excess cárámel drip báck into the bowl, ánd use á spoon to scrápe the bottom of the ápple so thát the cárámel is gone. Pláce the ápple on á báking sheet ánd repeát until the other ápple is dipped.
- If the cárámel pool is át the bottom of the ápple á little, ánd you wánt to tidy it up, wáit until it's álmost wárm, then wet your hánds, ánd form áround the ápple, smooth it with wet hánds until it's round ánd neát. Store cárámel ápples in the refrigerátor.
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