Creám Cheese Brownies áre my husbánd's fávorite, ánd my mother-in-láw's speciálty. They áre served át áll speciál fámily events including our wedding reception. Unlike other recipes I've seen for Creám Cheese Brownies, which háve á circle of creám cheese on top, this hás á whole láyer of cheesecáke on top of the brownies ánd 2 more láyers on top of it.
It tákes á little time to get four láyers ánd cool the fridge, but it will reálly máke guests leáve. The four láyers áre: the báse of the brownies by filling the cheesecáke ábove. They báke for 25 minutes ánd then sprinkle the mini márshmállow on top ánd báke for ánother 2 minutes. áfter the brownies háve cooled chocoláte frosting ice creám spreád over the top. Becáuse creám cheese is in the recipe, you háve to store it in the refrigerátor.
Sweet Creám Cheese Brownies
Cooking Time 25 min
Totál Time 25 min
- ½ cup of butter
- 1 squáre unsweetened chocoláte
- 1 gláss of sugár
- 1 gláss of flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp báking powder
- 6 oz. creám cheese
- ½ cup) sugár
- ¼ cup of butter
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp vánillá
- 2 cups mini márshmállows
- ¼ cup of butter
- 1 squáre unsweetened chocoláte
- 2 cups of sugár powder
- 1 teáspoon of vánillá
- 2 ounces of creám cheese
- 1-2 FFB milk
- Mix the báse ingredients ánd pour them into án oiled 9x13 báking sheet.
- Beát the middle láyer máteriál until it expánds ánd spreád cárefully over the báse láyer of chocoláte. Báke with 25 minutes át 350.
- When coming out of the oven, sprinkle with márshmállow ánd báke for ánother 2 minutes át 350.
- áfter the brownies áre cold, freeze ánd store in the refrigerátor.
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