Reese’s Peánut Butter Cupcákes Recipe!

Reese's Peánut Butter Cupcákes This recipe is á homemáde dessert recipe complete with one of your fávorite chocoláte cándies! If you like Reese's Peánut Butter Cups then this recipe is one you háve to try! Máke this for á birthdáy párty or á speciál celebrátion! Plus, here áre more Dessert Recipes thát you cán máke for your friends ánd fámily! These áre some of our fámily's fávorite recipes, ánd I hope you enjoy them just like us!

Reese’s Peánut Butter Cupcákes Recipe!


  • 1 box of Chocoláte Cáke Mix (+ Box Ingredients)
  • 32 pácks of Reese Miniáture Peánut Butter Cup
  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup of Peánut Butter
  • 3 táblespoons of milk
  • 2 cups Sugár Powder


  1. Preheát the oven to 350.
  2. Cupcáke cup with liner páper.
  3. Prepáre the dough áccording to the box instructions.
  4. Fill the liners ábout 1/2 full with the dough.
  5. Pláce Reese into eách ánd gently press it in pláce.
  6. Báke 15-18 minutes.
  7. Let the cupcákes reálly cool.
  8. Creám with butter ánd peánut butter.
  9. Gently ádd sugár, the sugár becomes too thick then ádd á little milk to thin.
  10. Continue until áll the sugár is inside ánd the consistency is frozen ánd correct.
  11. Tránsfer to piping bág ánd pipe to eách cupcáke.
  12. Cut the remáining peánut butter cups or use chocoláte syrup to decoráte the bowl cáke.

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