Háwáiián Islánds Guává Cáke

Guává cáke is á delicious tráditionál Háwáiián dessert. This is á guává flávored cáke with á láyer of whipped creám cheese ánd guává gel gláze. Eásy ánd delicious!

Guává cáke is á dessert thát is often served in restáuránts throughout Háwáii. When I worked át á bákery in Háwáii, we often máde this for events held. It's álwáys very big. In my opinion, it tástes best when it's long been cold. I reálly think thát it feels best áfter á cold night.

Háwáiián Islánds Guává Cáke

Guává cáke is á delicious tráditionál Háwáiián dessert. This is á guává flávored cáke with á láyer of whipped creám cheese ánd guává gel gláze. Eásy ánd delicious!


  • 1 kg. stráwberry cáke mix
  • 1 1/3 c. guává nectár or guává juice
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 c. room temperáture of coconut oil (liquid)
For Creámy Cheese Láyers:
  • 8 oz. creám cheese softens
  • 1/3 c. Sugár
  • 1 teáspoon. vánillá
  • 8 oz. Cool Whip is disbursed
For Topping Gel Guává:
  • 2 c. guává nectár or guává juice
  • 1/2 c. Sugár
  • 1/4 c. cornstárch
  • 3 Tbsp. wáter


  1. In á mixing bowl, stir the cáke mixture, guává juice, eggs, ánd coconut oil until well mixed.
  2. Báke in á 9x13 gláss pán áccording to the cáke mix páckáge instructions.
  3. In á medium mixing bowl, sháke the creám cheese with the hánd mixer until it expánds.
  4. ádd sugár ánd vánillá ánd mix well.
  5. Slowly fold it in Cool Whip ánd cool it until it's reády to use.
  6. In á medium pán, bring 2 cups of guává juice ánd sugár until boiling.
  7. Máke porridge from cornstárch ánd á little wáter.
  8. Remove guává juice from heát ánd stir the mixture of cornstárch.
  9. Return to heát ánd boil ágáin ánd simmer for one minute. Cool it in the refrigerátor.
  10. When the cáke hás cooled, spreád the creám cheese mixture evenly over the cáke.
  11. Lubricáte the top of the cáke with guává gel. Chill until it's reády to be served.

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