Without Gluten, Milk, Corn, Soybeáns or Beáns !!
Not only is this fudge oh SO delicious, but it's álso gluten-free, milk, corn, soybeáns, ánd nuts, máking it the perfect dessert to táke to á birthdáy, holidáy or office párty! No need to worry ábout someone who feels ábándoned becáuse they cán't eát your delicious dessert.
I álso háve to mention thát this is the exáct sáme recipe I máde for á film studio here in Los ángeles. Whát cán I sáy ... thát's good !!
Fudge Chocoláte Vegán Eásy - No Fáil
Vegán | Gluten-Free | Páleo
Dessert only
Prepárátion Time 15 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Serves 20 pieces
- 1 cán - 11.25 ounces of sweetened thick coconut milk bránd Náture's Chárm *
- 2 glásses of dárk chocoláte chips Dárk Enjoy Life Bránd **
- 3 táblespoons of orgánic coconut oil
- 2 pinch divided seá sált
- Instructions
- Máke á báking sheet with báking páper ánd spráy with coconut oil spráy to prevent sticking.
- Máke á double boiler on your stove by filling á smáll sáucepán hálfwáy with wáter ánd plácing á lárge, sáfe heát bowl on top.
- Pláce thick coconut milk, chocoláte chips, coconut oil, ánd á little seá sált in your lárge bowl ánd keep the heát low, stirring constántly until áll the ingredients melt together.
- Using oven gloves, pour the mixture into the prepáred báking pán, use á spátulá to scrápe the bowl.
- ádd the finál seá sált dust to the top of the fudge before putting it in the freezer to set it. Let this be set át leást 1 hour before cutting.
- Store in án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor for up to 2-3 weeks (if it lásts thát long!) Or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

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