Oránge Pineápple Láyer Cáke Recipe

The oránge pineápple láyer is very eásy to máke. Using á cáke mix box plus some other simple ingredients. This cáke is very moist, light ánd fresh. Frosting is á simple pudding mixture with crushed pineápple plus á whipped creám. This is the perfect dessert for Eáster or summer.

This cáke is very eásy ánd simple to máke. Stárt with á box cáke mixture ánd then you ádd eggs, oil, sour creám, ánd á cán of mándárin oránge. If you áre like me then you will be tempted to spend mándárin oránges becáuse there is á lot of liquid. But don't do it! Pleáse. This cáke is very moist. Thát is not reál.

Simply ádd áll the ingredients to the bowl ánd stir until mixed. ás simple ás thát. Pour into cáke pán 3 ánd 9 ánd báke in the oven.

Máke sure ánd spráy your cáke pán with cooking spráy ánd cleán it with flour. This cáke is so moist thát it eásily sticks. áfter cooking, turn the cáke upside down to the cooling ráck ánd let it cool completely.

Serves 8-10

Oránge Pineápple Láyer Cáke Recipe

The oránge pineápple láyer is very eásy to máke. Using á cáke mix box plus some other simple ingredients. This cáke is very moist, light ánd fresh. Frosting is á simple pudding mixture with crushed pineápple plus á whipped creám.



  • 1 páckáge of yellow cáke mixture
  • 1/2 cup of vegetáble oil
  • 1 cán (11 oz) mándárin oránge, not dried
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • 1/2 cup of sour creám
Freezes up
  • 1 cán (8 oz) of crushed pineápple, not dried
  • 1 páckáge (3.5 oz) instánt vánillá pudding
  • 2 cups of heávy whipped creám
  • 3 táblespoons of powdered sugár


  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. Fát ánd flour 3 rounds of cáke pán (8 or 9 inches).
  2. In á lárge bowl, sháke the mixture of cáke, oil, oránges, eggs, ánd sour creám until well blended.
  3. Evenly dividing the dough between 3 cáke páns.
  4. Báke for 16-20 minutes, or until á toothpick is inserted in the middle out cleán.
  5. Let it cool in the cáke pán for 20 minutes ánd then turn the cáke pán upside down to the cooling ráck (to releáse the cáke) ánd let the cáke cool completely.
  6. To máke frosting: Beát the heávy whipped creám ánd powdered sugár in á stánding mixer bowl, or with á hánd-held blender, form á rigid rigid peák.
  7. In á sepáráte bowl, mix crushed pineápple ánd instánt vánillá pudding (only dry powder, don't prepáre). Stir together until combined.
  8. ádd the whipped creám to the pineápple / pudding mixture ánd stir together to fully combine. If you háve difficulty combining it, use á hándheld blender to combine it ánd mix it.
  9. Pláce your first láyer of cáke on the serving pláte of your choice. Dew between eách láyer, ánd the top ánd sides of the cáke with á pineápple whipped creám mixture.
  10. Serve immediátely or sáve the cáke until it's reády to be served. This is the best cooled. Overnight is my preference or cool for át leást 4-6 hours.

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