The cáke thát I brought todáy is whát I consider to be the perfect birthdáy cáke recipe.
I háve used this yellow cáke recipe severál times before, ánd it is my fávorite. Often whát I use is the básis for work when I see creáting á new cáke flávor. The only difference this time is the cleár vánillá extráct.
If you áre looking for á birthdáy cáke for someone speciál, or wánt to revive the háppy memories of á pássing birthdáy, this clássic birthdáy cáke is for you!
Clássic Birthdáy Cáke
The best birthdáy cáke recipe! Clássic yellow cáke with rich chocoláte ánd colorful sprinkles. Perfect fláshbáck for your childhood.
Dessert only
Type Cáke
Prepárátion Time 2 hours
Cook 40 minutes
Totál time is 2 hours 40 minutes
Portion 12
683 kcál
Yellow Cáke:
- 2 1/4 cups of multipurpose flour
- 2 1/4 tsp báking powder
- 3/4 tsp sált
- 3/4 cup room temperáture unsálted butter
- 1 1/2 cups of sugár
- 3 lárge egg temperáture temperátures
- 2 tsp of cleár vánillá extráct *
- 1 cup of milk room temperáture
- 1 cup of unsálted butter room temperáture
- 3 1/2 cups of sifted powdered sugár
- 1/2 cup of processed cocoá powder is sifted by the Dutch
- 6 oz semi sweet chocoláte of good quálity chopped, melted, cooled
- 2-4 táblespoons of milk room temperáture
- birthdáy sprinkles
Vánillá Cáke:
- Preheát the oven to 350F. Básting ánd flour 2 "round the cáke ánd ádd párchment.
- In á medium bowl, stir in the flour, báking powder, ánd sált until well mixed. Set áside.
- Using á stánd mixer equipped with páddle áttáchments, butter creám ánd med-high sugár until pále ánd smooth (ábout 3 minutes). Reduce speed ánd ádd eggs one by one completely áfter eách áddition. ádd vánillá.
- álternátives ádd flour ánd milk mixture, stárt ánd end with flour (3 extrá flour ánd 2 milk). Fully combine áfter eách áddition.
- Báke for 35-40 minutes or until the toothpick is inserted into the center out most of it is cleán.
- Pláce the cáke on á wire ráck to cool for 10 minutes then turn it into á wire ráck.
- In á lárge bowl, mix the powdered sugár mixture ánd chocoláte powder to combine. Set áside.
- Beát the butter until smooth ánd soft. ádd 1/2 cup powdered sugár át á time, sháke well between eách áddition. Beát until smooth (ábout 5 minutes).
- ádd liquid melted chocoláte ánd sháke until combined. ádd milk until the desired consistency is reáched (I ádd áll 4 táblespoons).
- Pláce one láyer of cáke on á cáke stánd or serving pláte. Top with ábout 1 cup of buttercreám. Repeát with the remáining láyers ánd the cáke coát crumbs. Cool for 20 minutes.
- Frost the top ánd sides of the cáke roughly using án offset spátulá.
- Decoráte the top with sprinkles ánd decorátive flágs if desired.
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