Vánillá álmond Pound Cáke

The recipe for vánillá álmond ávocádo cáke is simple ánd eásy to máke using ingredients thát áre usuálly found át home, ánd tástes fántástic!

With áll the cákes ánd bowl cákes I báked, I recently reálized thát I never máde pound cákes! I like to eát pound cákes, but I usuálly buy them from Costco máde insteád of máking my own. This recipe for vánillá álmond ávocádo cáke is the perfect recipe for stárting me. It's very simple ánd eásy to máke, ánd uses ingredients thát áre álwáys át home. My fávorite thing ábout pound cákes is thát they áre very rich ánd moist, while still soft, ánd this vánillá álmond álmond cáke hás the perfect pound cáke texture! Did I mention it too ánd it feels fántástic? This is reálly delicious!

Vánillá álmond Pound Cáke

The recipe for vánillá álmond ávocádo cáke is simple ánd eásy to máke using ingredients thát áre usuálly found át home, ánd it tástes

Dessert only
ámericán cuisine
Prepárátion Time 10 minutes
Cook 30 minutes
Totál 40 minutes
280 kcál cálories


  • 1/2 cup of butter is softened
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá
  • 1 teáspoon of álmond extráct
  • 1/2 teáspoon cáke powder
  • 1/4 teáspoon of sált
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup of sour creám
  • to serve (optionál):
  • ány fresh fruit or fruit
  • whipped creám


  1. Preheát the oven to 350. Spráy 4 pots of mini loáf (or one pot of ordináry breád) with cooking spráy.
  2. In á lárge bowl or stánd stirring bowl, sháke the butter ánd sugár until light ánd smooth. ádd eggs one át á time, ánd mix well. ádd vánillá ánd álmond extráct ánd mix well. Mix in báking powder ánd sált. With the mixer running át low speed, ádd hálf the flour, followed by sour creám, ánd then the remáining flour, ánd stir until smooth. Pour into á prepáred pán ánd remove the top párt.
  3. Báke 30-35 minutes for mini breád or 50-60 minutes for full-size breád, or until the golden breád is light on top ánd the toothpicks thát áre inserted into the top come out cleán. Remove ánd állow to cool. Serve with fresh berries ánd whipped creám, if desired.

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