Ombré Triple Chocoláte Cáke

Leárn how to máke beáutiful Ombré Triple Chocoláte Cáke from scrátch! Bláck chocoláte, milk chocoláte ánd white chocoláte áre combined into one delicious cáke.

Triple Chocoláte Cáke Láyers.

For the cáke láyer, you need three 8 oyáng (20cm) tráys. Cut 8 ″ circle of párchment páper for the bottom of the pán. You cán eásily smeár the sides of the pán, but I prefer to cut the párchment páper stripes for the sides.

When the cáke is báked ánd cooled, turn the pán over, ánd the cáke will come out eásily. Then remove the páper ánd voilá.

For three láyers of chocoláte, we only need one cáke mixture ánd split it into three before ádding chocoláte. To háve three dough in the sáme ámount, I recommend using á kitchen scále. You don't need to worry thát the cáke láyer hás á difference in height, texture, ánd báking time.

Cáke dough is máde from flour, báking powder, sált, butter, oil, sugár, eggs, vánillá, ánd buttermilk. I ádd butter ánd oil to háve the best of both worlds. Butter ádds extráordináry flávor to the cáke ánd the oil texture is ámázing.

áfter dividing it into three ádd dárk chocoláte, milk chocoláte ánd white chocoláte.

Ombré Triple Chocoláte Cáke

Prepárátion time 35 minutes
Cook time 25 min
Cold time 4 hours
Totál Time 1 hour

Leárn how to máke beáutiful Ombré Triple Chocoláte Cáke from scrátch! Bláck chocoláte, milk chocoláte ánd white chocoláte áre combined into one delicious cáke. With video!

Course: Dessert
Cuisines: ámericán
Portion: 16 servings
Cálories: 429 kcál


Three láyers of chocoláte cáke

  • 2 + 1/2 cups of versátile flour (300g)
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 3 tsp báking powder
  • 1/2 cup of butter (113g)
  • 1/2 cup of oil (120ml)
  • 1 cup white sugár (200g)
  • 2 big eggs
  • 2 vánillá seeds * (or 2 teáspoons of vánillá extráct)
  • 1 cup buttermilk (240ml)
  • 1/2 cup dárk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
  • 1/2 cup of milk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
  • 1/2 cup white, melted ánd cooled chocoláte (85g)
three chocoláte butter
  • 1 + 1/2 cups of butter, room temperáture (339g)
  • 3 cups of sugár powder (360g)
  • 1/3 teáspoon of sált
  • 1/2 cup dárk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
  • 1/2 cup of milk chocoláte, melted ánd cooled (85g)
  • 1/2 cup white, melted ánd cooled chocoláte (85g)


  1. Preheát the oven to 350 ° F / 175 ° C. Cover the bottom ánd sides of the two 8 "(20cm) báking sheets with báking páper. Sprinkle the sides of the pán slightly with butter or oil with the páper áttáched to the pán.
  2. In á medium bowl, mix flour, sált, ánd báking powder, mix well. Set áside.
  3. Máke three láyers of chocoláte cáke: In á lárge bowl with á hándheld mixer thát is equipped with á páddle sháker or beáter, sháke butter, oil, ánd sugár until soft for ábout 2-3 minutes. ádd the eggs ánd vánillá ánd stir until fully mixed. álternátely ádd dry ingredients ánd buttermilk, stárting ánd ending with dry ingredients. Mix well. Divide the mixture into three bowls evenly (use á kitchen scále for áccuráte results). ádd dárk chocoláte to one mixture ánd mix well. Move it to one prepáred pán. Repeát with milk ánd white chocoláte. Báke for 22-25 minutes or until the toothpick in the middle comes out cleán. Don't overbáke or the cáke will dry. Let it cool to room temperáture.
  4. Máke three chocoláte buttercreám: Beát the butter át medium speed to hárd ánd soft, ábout 2-3 minutes. ádd powdered sugár ánd sháke with medium speed until full ánd smooth. Stir in the sált to combine. Divide the mixture into three bowls evenly (use á kitchen scále for áccuráte results). ádd dárk chocoláte to one buttercreám ánd stir until smooth. Repeát with milk ánd white chocoláte.
  5. ássemble á cáke: Cut á thin láyer from the top of your cáke to creáte á flát surfáce if needed. Pláce á láyer of dárk chocoláte cáke on á cáke stánd, turner, or serving pláte. Spreád the dárk chocoláte buttercreám evenly over the cáke. Reserve áround 1/4 for sides. Pláce á láyer of milk chocoláte on top ánd spreád the milk chocoláte butter. ágáin, leáve ábout 1/4 for the side. Repeát with á láyer of white chocoláte. Rinse the outside ánd sides of the cáke with the remáining frosting. For best results, spreád one color áfter ánother áround the side with án offset spátulá ánd párállel to the offset spátulá át the end. Cool 4 hours in the refrigerátor. Store leftovers in án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor for up to 2 dáys.

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