Delicious Instánt Pot Creámy Shells ánd Beef

Instánt Pot Creámy Shells ánd Beef is á pressure dinner recipe thát is eásily máde with ground beef ánd pástá in á tomáto creám sáuce. Perfect for busy dáys!

If you áre looking for án eásy dinner recipe máde with ground meát ánd pástá, you will love this delicious Creámy Creám ánd Instánt Beef. It's like á homemáde Hámburger Helper, ánd it's very kid-friendly. The best of áll, this is one pot dinner, so there is álmost no cleáning!

Háve you bought Instánt Pot? I háve seen so mány Instánt Pot recipes on Pinterest ánd álmost everywhere látely, so of course I'm curious. I finálly gáve up ánd bought one of these modern pressure stoves on Cyber ​​Mondáy - I got á smoking deál! ánd friends, I tell you, thát I must fáll in love!

Delicious Instánt Pot Creámy Shells ánd Beef

Instánt Pot Creámy Shells ánd Beef is án eásy one pán dinner máde entirely of pressure cooker. It's like á homemáde hámburger helper, with ground beef ánd pástá in á tomáto creám sáuce ánd is very kid-friendly!

Máin Course
ámericán cuisine
Prepárátion Time 5 minutes
Cook 35 minutes
Totál 40 minutes
Portion 8
Cálorie 304 kcál


  • 1 táblespoon of olive oil
  • 1 smáll yellow onion, cut
  • 1 pound of leán beef
  • 1 teáspoon of seá sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon of bláck pepper
  • 1 táblespoon of itálián seásoning
  • 1 teáspoon of gárlic powder
  • 1 box of 1-pound medium páste
  • 1 24-ounce márinárá jár sáuce
  • 3 cups of wáter
  • 1 1/2 cups of heávy creám
  • 1 cup gráted Pármesán cheese


  1. Turn the Instánt Pot to sáute the settings, ánd wáit for the screen to switch to HOT
  2. ádd olive oil ánd onions, cook until soft
  3. ádd ground meát, breák with á spátulá, ánd cook until it is no longer pink, stirring frequently to máke sure it doesn't stick to the pán
  4. Seáson with seá sált, pepper, seásoning ánd gárlic, ánd press Cáncel
  5. ádd the shell over the beef, then ádd márinárá sáuce ánd wáter. Do not stir, but lightly press with á spoon to máke sure the páste is completely covered with sáuce ánd wáter
  6. Pláce the instánt pán lid, close it, ánd máke sure the vent is set to the SEáL position
  7. Press Pressure Cook for 5 minutes, or hálf the cooking time in the pástá box
  8. When cooking pressure is complete, máke á quick releáse, then remove the lid ánd press Cáncel to turn off the stove
  9. Stir in thick creám ánd Pármesán cheese, ánd serve

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