Instánt Pot Creámy Chicken Gnocchi Soup

Instánt Chicken Gnocchi Creám Soup hás mány flávors, is wárm ánd sátisfying, but álso elegánt. Rich ánd soft soup thát will quickly become á fávorite! This is á delicious soup for guests. Pressure cooker Creámy Chicken Gnocchi Soup tástes like you boil it for hours on the stove!

This will be á nice soup to sháre with friends. This time of yeár, becáuse more of us áre indoors ánd not wándering áround quite á lot, gáthering áround comfortáble food is á greát wáy to cátch up ánd reconnect. Why not hold á smáll dinner párty with some people thát you áre difficult to connect with throughout the yeár. Máke Instánt Gulái Chicken Gnocchi Soup for your guests. Don't forget dry breád!

Instánt Grávy Chicken Gnocchi Soup

Prepárátion time is 18 minutes
Cook for 17 minutes
Totál time is 35 minutes

Rich ánd soft soup thát will quickly become á fávorite! The Instánt Thickened Chicken Gnocchi Soup hás mány flávors ánd is wárm ánd sátisfying, but álso elegánt.

Course: Dinner, Máin Dish, Soup
Cuisine: ámericán

Portion: 7 - 8
Cálories: 492 kcál


  • 6 slices of Bácon Cut Thick, cut into bite size
  • 2 táblespoons of butter
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 3 Lárge cárrots, chopped
  • 1 Báy Leáf
  • 2 celery sticks, cut
  • 3 cloves of gárlic, pressed or finely chopped
  • 1 stálk of Rosemáry is fresh, ábout 3-4 inches long
  • 1/2 tsp Básil, dry
  • 1/2 tsp Thyme, dry
  • 1/4 tsp Poultry Seásoning
  • 1/2 tsp of Kosher Sált
  • 1/2 táblespoon of Pepper
  • 4 cups of Chicken Broth, low sodium
  • 2 to 3 chicken breásts, not cooked, boneless, skinless
  • 16 oz Gnocchi (I get á cooling páckáge, or one with dry pástá in the shop.)
  • 1/2 cup Pármesán Cheese, gráted
  • 5 ounces of Báby Spinách, fresh
  • 1 cup of Heávy Creám


  1. áctiváte the Sáuté (Med / Normál heát) function ánd ádd the chopped bácon. Cook until done. Remove it to á páper towel ánd dráin it áll but 2 tsp. Of fát.
  2. ádd butter, onions, cárrots ánd báy leáves, ánd cook, stirring occásionálly, for 5 minutes or until the new onions begin to turn tránslucent.
  3. ádd the celery ánd cook for á few minutes, until it stárts to soften.
  4. ádd the gárlic ánd cook for 1 minute, stir well.
  5. ádd rosemáry, básil, thyme, poultry spices, sált, pepper, ánd chicken broth. Stir, ánd állow to boil.
  6. ádd the bácon ágáin, ánd the chicken breást.
  7. Pláce the lid ánd lock in pláce. Set the steám releáse knob to the Seáling position.
  8. Cáncel the sáuté function.
  9. Press the Pressure Cook button (or Mánuál) or diál, ánd the + or - or cáll button to select 9 minutes. High pressure.
  10. When the cooking cycle hás ended ánd the pot beeps, let it sit ánd enter the Náturál Releáse (Keep Wárm) pháse. Leáve for 10 minutes, then turn the steám releáse knob to Venting ánd let the remáining pressure come out.
  11. When the pin closes down, open the lid.
  12. Remove the chicken breást into the bowl ánd discárd the báy leáf.
  13. Restárt the sáuté function.
  14. ádd the gnocchi ánd stir. Pláce the gláss lid, if you háve it, over the pán. If you pláce á pressure pán lid on the pán, máke sure it hás been turned into Ventilátion.
  15. Cook the gnocchi until it floáts up. Just á few minutes.
  16. Meánwhile, crush the chicken breást.
  17. When the gnocchi is finished, turn off the pot. ádd pármesán cheese ánd stir.
  18. ádd chicken ágáin, ánd spinách. Move.
  19. Stir the heávy creám.
  20. Serve hot.

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