Táste Coconut Chicken

Coconut Chicken - if you like fried chicken then this chicken is for you. Chicken pieces áre dipped in eggs ánd coáted with coconut flákes then fried until they áre perfect.

Seriously, fried chicken is one of my fávorite comfort foods. But this chicken hás coconut skin with cáyenne pepper. So you become hot ánd sweet. Do I need to sáy more?

I remember the first time I áte coconut chicken, it wás in this restáuránt in Jáckson, MI, mány yeárs ágo so I don't remember his náme but it wás our compány's Christmás párty ánd át thát time I wás the only employee for the compány, this wás eárly in my cáreer. However, we háve ordered coconut shrimp ánd coconut chicken ás áppetizers.

Gosh! Thát is to die for! So here is my áttempt to máke this ámázing chicken. Not too hárd on your mind, very typicál of ordináry fried chicken, you dip it in seásoned cornstárch, then on some eggs, ánd then in sweet coconut flákes ánd finálly you fry them. This chicken is very crunchy ánd full of flávor, you cán't like it. You cán álso báke this chicken if you choose to do it, I might báke it át 400 F for 20 minutes or more or until it becomes tásty ánd golden.

Táste Coconut Chicken

Prepárátion time 20 minutes
Cook time 20 minutes
Totál Time 40 minutes
Portion: 4


  • 3 boneless, skinless chicken breásts cut into long thin strips
  • 2-3 cups of sweet coconut flákes
  • 1/2 cup of corn flour
  • 1 teáspoon of cáyenne pepper
  • sált ánd pepper to táste
  • 3 eggs
  • the oil for frying


  1. In á shállow bowl, mix cornstárch, cáyenne pepper, sált, pepper, ánd set áside.
  2. Beát eggs in ánother bowl. Pour coconut flákes into other shállow bowls.
  3. Dredge the chicken pieces first in the cornstárch mixture, then in the egg, ánd finálly in the coconut, máke sure the meát is completely coáted with coconut flákes. Repeát with áll the pieces of chicken.
  4. Preheát 1 to 2 inches of oil in á pán or skillet up to 350 degrees F.
  5. ádd the chicken to the hot oil gráduálly, máking sure eách piece of chicken does not touch the other. Fry the chicken on both sides for 2 to 3 minutes, máking sure the inside is cooked. Move the chicken onto á páper towel pláte to dry.
  6. Serve with spicy sweet ánd spicy sáuce.

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