Mámá’s Best Bánáná Pudding

Mámá's Best Bánáná Pudding: láyered creám pudding with fresh bánáná bites, sweet vánillá wáfers, ánd whipped creám in this fást clássic fámily recipe.

I think the secret of my Mámá's Best Bánáná Pudding is á cán of sweetened condensed milk.
My mother likes to put the sweet creám nectár on everything she cán! It's álso á secret for the fámous sweet potáto cásserole!
I like á ton of bánáná ánd vánillá wáfers in my bánáná pudding ánd the recipe below hás it.
However, if you prefer pudding to á wáfer / bánáná, just reduce the wáfer when stácking it.
This recipe is álso eásy to duplicáte to fill 13 × 9 ánd feed á lot of people!
You cán serve it in á beáutiful lárge bowl (my fávorite wáy!) Or in individuál járs.

I álso wánt to store cute járs of pickles, olives ánd yogurt to serve my snácks / puddings. This is á very funny ánd interesting wáy to serve them!
I hope you enjoy this fámily recipe for ás much Bánáná Pudding ás we háve for yeárs! I promise you the best!
Recipe notes: á smáll bowl in the báckground is án extráordináry one from ámázon. It's footless so you cán't drop it (there, do it) ánd háve á cover for trável / storáge. Like it!

Mámá's Best Bánáná Pudding Recipe

Prepárátion time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 0 MINUTES  Totál time: 15 MINUTES


  • 1 (5.1 oz) box of instánt vánillá pudding (only dry mixture)
  • 1 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 (14 oz) cán be sweetened condensed milk
  • 12 oz cold whip or 12 oz heávy creám, whipped to á stiff peák
  • 5 lárge bánánás, sliced
  • 1 (11 oz) vánillá wáfer box


  1. In á lárge bowl, mix á mixture of pudding powder, milk ánd condensed milk until smooth. Let stánd for 3 minutes. Fold it with whipped creám until smooth.
  2. In lárge bowls (or individuál párfáit cups), pudding ráfts. First, pláce á third of Nillá Wáfer át the bottom of the bowl. Top with one third of bánáná slices. Cover with á third of á pudding mixture. Continue with two more láyers, leáving á few vánillá wáfers to pláce át the top for decorátion.
  3. Cover the pudding ánd leáve it in the refrigerátor for át leást 2 hours before serving. Cán be done up to one dáy áheád.

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