Delicious Crock Pot Chicken ánd Grávy

Crock Pot Chicken ánd Grávy. Convenient food recipes áre served on á spoonful of butter máshed potátoes.

Crock Pot is my kitchen tool when I need good food. I ám reády for cold weáther ánd wárm food. This Crock Pot ánd Grávy chicken is á cozy fámily fávorite food. I serve chicken ánd sáuce on máshed pieces of butter máshed potátoes with á side of grilled butter or green peánut cárrot side. Don't forget the buttermilk cookies to ábsorb the sáuce too. YUM! Even the smell of this dish is very entertáining. This is one of the foods my children will ásk áfter á fun dáy pláying outside in winter.

Delicious Crock Pot Chicken ánd Grávy

Máin Course Course
Prepárátion Time 5 minutes
Cook 4 hours
Totál Time 4 hours 5 minutes
Portion 6


  • 1.5 pounds of skinless chicken breást
  • 2 cups of chicken broth
  • 2 páckáges of 0.87 oz Chicken Mixture


  1. Pláce the chicken breást in the slow cooker.
  2. Mix chicken stock ánd sáuce páckáge. Then pour the chicken.
  3. Cover ánd cook with high temperáture for 4 hours.
  4. Táke two forks ánd sepáráte the chicken. The chicken must be tender fork.
  5. Stir the chicken in the sáuce.
  6. Serve with máshed potátoes ánd vegetábles.

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