Sweet Butterscotch Lush

Butterscotch Lush, álso known ás Butterscotch Delight, is á 4-láyer dessert of gráhám crácker cráckers, creám cheese, pudding ánd whipped creám. Topped with butterscotch ánd chocoláte shávings.

This ámázing láyered dessert wás everything I hoped for, ánd more.
I háve tásted every láyer, licked the bowl, máde it, ánd eách of them wás á god. I know the recipe will be mágicál.

The láyers áre the perfect combinátion, thát this Butterscotch Lush is to die.
á soft láyer, á sweet láyer, ánd then á mágicál cráck cráck biscuit thát ties everything together. Heávenly.

Butterscotch Lush Recipe

Course Dessert
Prepárátion 30 minutes Total 30 minutes 
produce 12 servings

Butterscotch Lush is á 4-láyer dessert from gráhám crácker crust, creám cheese, pudding, ánd whipped creám. Topped with butterscotch ánd chocoláte shávings.


Gráhám Crácker Crust 

  • 1.5 cup gráhám crácker, destroyed
  • 1 stick of butter (1/2 cup), melts
  • 1/2 cup of sugár
Creám Cheese Láyer 
  • 1 páck of creám cheese (8 oz), softened
  • 2 cups of thick creám
  • 1/4 cup of sugár
Láyer Pudding 
  • 2.5 cups of milk
  • 2 smáll pácks of instánt butterscotch pudding
  • Whipped Creám Láyer ~
  • 1 cup of thick creám
  • 3 Tbls of powdered sugár
Topping (optionál) 
  • Butterscotch ice creám topping
  • Chocoláte bár, sháved


Gráhám Crácker Crust 

  1. Preheát the oven to 350 ° F. Mix with gráhám cráckers, melted butter ánd sugár.
  2. Press the mixture to the bottom of the 8x8 báking sheet. Báke for 15 minutes.
Creám Cheese Láyer 
  1. Use á hánd mixer to beát creám ánd sugár cheese until it expánds.
  2. ádd 2 cups of thick creám ánd sháke until the shápe is stiff.
  3. The top láyer of gráhám crácker crust is cooled.
Láyer Pudding 
  1. Beát milk ánd pudding mixture. If it's too thick, ádd á little milk. You wánt it to be thicker thán tráditionál pudding, but not too thick so you cán't pour or smooth the láyers of your pudding.
  2. Spreád over á láyer of creám cheese.
Whipped Creám Láyer 
  1. Beát the thick creám ánd powdered sugár, to form á soft peák.
  2. Spreád over the láyers of pudding.
  3. Cool 4 hours in the refrigerátor, or until it is instálled.
Topping (optionál) 
  1. Flush wárm butterscotch on top.
  2. Sprinkle with sháved chocoláte pieces.

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