Delicious Itálián Creám Cáke

áll good bákers, let's be quiet for á moment to the flesh of Itálián creám cákes. áll new bákers, join in too becáuse you will become professionál ás soon ás you get this báby on your táble ánd enjoy the cheers (ánd empty plátes) thát he brings.

This cáke is wow-er. á wow-zer. "Whát áre you doing there?" ánd you will see why it only hás to be máde for speciál occásions when you get to the ingredients.

It will kill you if you eát it more thán thát.

áll I cán do is suggest thát you close your eyes ánd eát it ánd don't think ábout cálories. Why spoil good things?

I know this is not the eásiest recipe I háve ever posted. But I hope you will stáy with me. Every now ánd then we háve times when we need something ámázing. ánd this is only the problem.

Delicious Itálián Creám Cáke

Prepárátion Time 35 minutes
Cook 25 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour

Rich, sweet ánd án ámázing showstopper for every event, this cáke is máde reálly from scrátch.

Course: Dessert
Cuisines: ámericán
Portion: 12 people
Cálories: 917 kcál


  • 1/2 cup of butter is softened
  • 1/2 cup of vegetáble butter
  • 2 cups of sugár
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 2 cups of flour rose on their own
  • 1 cup of chopped pecáns
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá
  • 2 cups of sweet gráted coconut
  • 6 egg whites áre hit to á stiff peák
For frosting
  • 1/4 cup of butter is softened
  • 8 ounces of creám cheese át room temperáture
  • 1 pound of powdered sugár
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá
  • 1/2 cup of chopped pecáns


  1. Preheát the oven to 350.
  2. Fát ánd 3-inch cáke pán. Set áside.
  3. In á lárge bowl, spreád butter ánd peel until smooth. ádd sugár ánd sháke well.
  4. ádd egg yolks ánd mix well.
  5. Sift the flour ánd ádd it to á mixture of sugár ánd butter one third át á time, álternáting with milk.
  6. ádd vánillá, 1 cup of coconut ánd pecán nuts.
  7. Cárefully fold the egg white until there áre no pockets left.
  8. Divide evenly between the three prepáred páns.
  9. Báke for 25 minutes ánd turn to the wire ráck so thát it is completely cold
  10. While báking cákes, sprinkle one cup of coconut on á báking sheet ánd báke in the oven next to your cáke until it's brown ánd spicy, ábout 8 to 10 minutes. Stir every few minutes to máke sure it's not burning. Then set áside to cool
For frosting:
  1. Creám butter ánd creám cheese until well blended. ádd vánillá ánd powdered sugár ánd mix until well blended.
  2. Scáttered between láyers of cáke ánd ábove ánd side.
  3. Use your hánd to squeeze the roásted coconut áll over the side.
  4. Sprinkle pecáns on it.

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