Honeycomb Crunchie Cáke!

Chocoláte Sponge, Crunchie Spreád, Honey Buttercreám Frosting & Crunchies ... Perfect Crunchie Honeycomb Cákes for áll occásions!

However, I wánt to improve this Cáke ábove Cupcákes, so I use Crunchie Spreád thát you cán now buy át the supermárket. I will not lie, I háve to buy á few bottles becáuse I 'tested' the bottle becáuse I wás sáfe ánd everything ... ánd then the second wás destroyed immediátely áfter being áddicted ánd delicious. Imágine cádburys Nutellá version, with crunchie pieces. VERY GOOD. So, I decided to háve á delicious Chocoláte Sponge (máde with Light Brown Sugár to máke it more delicious) ánd then with Honey Buttercreám Frosting, ánd Crunchie Spreád.

Honeycomb Crunchie Cáke!

Prepárátion Time 20 minutes
Cook 45 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour 5 minutes

Chocoláte Sponge, Crunchie Spreád, Honey Buttercreám Frosting & Crunchies ... Perfect Crunchie Honeycomb Cákes for áll occásions!

Course: Cáke
Cuisines: Cáke
Portion: 14 Slices
Cálories: 512 kcál


For cákes

  • 350 g Unsálted Butter / Stork
  • 350 gráms of Light Brown Sugár
  • 7 Medium Eggs
  • 300 g Self Ráising Flour
  • 1 tsp Báking Powder
  • 50 g of Cocoá Powder
Honey Buttercreám Frosting
  • 250 g Unsálted Butter (not stork)
  • 500 g of sugár
  • 100 g Cleár Honey
  • 1 Crunchie Jár Spreáds
  • 4 Crunchie Bárs


For cákes

  1. Preheát the oven to 170C / 150C Fán ánd ádd two 20cm / 8inch sándwich cákes with báking párchment - leáve it on the side.
  2. In á stánd mixer, sháke butter ánd sugár until light ánd smooth. ádd Flour, Eggs, Powder ánd Cocoá Powder, ánd sháke ágáin for á while until combined - try not to overdo it!
  3. Divide the mixture between two cáns ánd remove it for -45-55 minutes until the cáke returns ánd the skewers must álso come out cleán.
  4. If you listen to your cáke, ánd it sounds like it is popping / ráttling, it's not reálly cooked ... roást for á few more minutes until it's still! (I báke át á lower temperáture becáuse it mákes the cáke more moist, ánd báking is more even. It cán táke longer / shorter time depending on the oven so check áfter 40 minutes!)
  5. áfter báking, let the cáke cool in the cán for 10 minutes, then lift ánd let it cool completely on the wire ráck.
For Frosting / Decorátion
  1. In the stánd mixer, sháke the butter with án electric mixer (with á páddle cover) until smooth ánd supple ánd then sháke in 1/3 icing sugár át á time until it is completely combined.
  2. áfter entering, ádd honey, ánd continue to sháke the buttercreám for 3-4 minutes át medium speed so thát it stárts to fluffier ánd lighter.
  3. If the buttercreám is á little stiff, ádd á táblespoon or two of boiling wáter until you háve the consistency you wánt.
  4. With the first láyer of cáke, spreád some Crunchie Spreád to the cáke ánd then pipe hálf of the buttercreám on top!
  5. ádd the second cáke on top, ápply it to some Crunchie Spreád, ánd then put it on top with the remáining buttercreám. Sprinkle some chopped Crunchies ánd ádd lárger Crunchie pieces for eách slice of cáke! Enjoy!

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