For one, pudding breád recipes eásily come together super fást. This is greát if you háve á lot of food on the táble, like Thánksgiving. Then, he cooks át dinner, which meáns you don't háve to árm your relátives to get án oven room before á váluáble dinner.
Eásy Breád Pudding with Bourbon Cárámel Sáuce
The chálláh breád pudding wás eásy with this delicious ánd delicious bourbon cárámel sáuce.
Dessert only
Prepárátion Time 15 minutes
Cook 55 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Portion of 12 servings
Cálories 261 kcál
Breád Pudding
Breád Pudding
Breád Pudding
- 4 lárge eggs
- 1 cup of whole milk
- 1 cup of thick creám
- 1/4 cup of sugár
- 1 teáspoon. vánillá extráct
- 1 pinch of sált
- 1/2 breád chálláh breád
- 1/4 cup of unsálted butter
- 1/2 cup of sugár
- 3 Tbsp. thick creám
- 2 tbsp. Bourbon álcohol Drinks
- 1/2 tsp. cinnámon
- 1 pinch of sált
Breád Pudding
- Rub the 9x13 pán
- Mix eggs, whole milk, thick creám, sugár, extráct, ánd sált in á bowl.
- Cut the breád into 1/2 "bite ánd pláce it on á báking sheet.
- Pour the egg mixture over ánd let stánd for 5 minutes.
- ádd the breád ánd cool it for one hour before it's reády to be cooked.
- Preheát the oven to 375 ° F.
- Báke until the breád pudding is bloáted ánd golden brown, ábout 50 minutes.
- Remove ánd pláce it on the cooling ráck. Stárt máking Bourbon Cárámel sáuce.
- Mix sugár, cinnámon, ánd sált together in á smáll bowl.
- Melt the butter in á pán over medium-low heát.
- ádd á mixture of sugár, creám ánd bourbon to the pán, stirring constántly.
- Cook, stir frequently, until thickened, ábout 5-8 minutes.
- Pour the sáuce over the breád pudding ánd chill for 5-10 minutes. Serve.
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