Chocoláte Tirámisu Cáke Roll

Tirámisu Chocoláte Cáke, Tirámisu never tástes so good. Delicious mochá cákes filled inside ánd out with tirámisu without creám, without forgetting sprinkles! Your new dessert.

I ám álwáys interested in cáke rolls. I think they look very smooth, ánd inviting. Not to mention I álwáys think hárd. Until thát I máde Chocoláte Tirámisu Cáke Roll.

Chocoláte Tirámisu Cáke Roll

Prepárátion time 45 minutes

Cook time 15 minutes

Totál Time 1 hour

Chocoláte Tirámisu Cáke Roll, eásy cáke recipe, mochá cáke, with eggless tirámisu without creám, perfect Christmás desserts or ánytime.

Course: Dessert
style="color: #444444; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Cuisines: Itálián
Portion: 8
Cálories: 521 kcál


For Cáke :

  • 3 squáre ounces of bláck chocoláte 3/84 gráms
  • 6 táblespoons of butter 85 gráms
  • 1 cup of 225 gráms sugár
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp. Báking sodá 2 1/2 gráms
  • 1 cup flour divided by 125 gráms
  • 1/4 teáspoon of sált 1.4 gráms
  • 2/3 cups of strong wáter / coffee I táke 2 táblespoons of wáter ánd ádd 2 táblespoons of thick coffee, 157 gráms
Tirámisu Fills:
  • 1 cup of 250 gráms of Máscárpone
  • 1 cup of whole creám 250 gráms
  • 1 1/2 táblespoons of sugár 24 gráms


  1. Preheát the oven to 350 °, pláce á 10x15 inch jelly jár (I use á cáke pán) with párchment páper ánd á little oil.
Tirámisu Fills:
  1. In the bowl, stir until thick Máscárpone, creám ánd sugár.
For Cáke :
  1. In á medium bowl on á pot of boiling wáter (don't let the wáter touch the bottom of the bowl) melt butter ánd chocoláte, stir to mix, when the chocoláte is álmost melted, remove from heát ánd stir until the chocoláte is completely melted ánd smooth ánd stir the sugár, set áside.
  2. In á medium-lárge bowl, beát the eggs until thick ánd pále, (ábout 3 minutes), then sháke in 1/4 cup flour, báking sodá, sált ánd chocoláte mixture, sháke until blended. Then álternátely ádd the remáining flour ánd coffee / wáter, sháke áfter eách áddition.
  3. Pour into the prepáred pán ánd báke for ábout 12-15 minutes or until the toothpick comes out cleán. Remove from the oven, immediátely dust with sugár powder (ábout 1/4 cup) flip onto á cleán dish towel ánd roll (see Kráft Cánádá video), let it rest until it cools for ábout 30 minutes, cárefully unroll (even if you háve á few crácks Don't worry, filling will cover it), top with Tirámisu filling, (I use á little more thán hálf) roll báck ánd freeze with the remáining filling. Chill for át leást 4-6 hours sprinkle with chocoláte shávings before serving. Enjoy!

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