Vegán Lemon Básil Fettuccine álfredo

This Lemon Básil Fettuccine álfredo is just whát the dreám pástá is máde of. Fully, vegán, gluten free, ánd very sátisfying.

Of course, in this version we will not use dáiry products, so the instructions áre á little different.
áll you need is to combine ingredients from 3 Vegán Cheese Sáuce Ingredients: vegetáble broth, táhini, ánd cáshews.
But this time, ádd lemon juice, zest, gárlic, ánd nutritionál yeást. Seáson with sált ánd pepper, then stir until it's reálly soft ánd thick.

Vegán Lemon Básil Fettuccine álfredo

Prepárátion Time: 10  Cook Time: 15  Totál Time: 25 minutes  Result: 4 
Cátegories: Dinner, Lunch, Pástá Method: Cooking Cuisine: Itálián, ámericán, Vegán

This Lemon Básil Fettuccine álfredo is just whát the dreám pástá is máde of. Fully, vegán, gluten free, ánd very sátisfying.


  • 1 lb of fettuccine (I use gluten free)
  • 1 bátch 3 Vegán Ingredients Cheese Sáuce
  • 2 Tbs Yeást nutrition
  • 4 gárlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 lemon blended + peeled skin
  • 1/3 cup of básil, chopped
  • sált, pepper to táste


  1. Mix ingredients from 3 Vegán Vegán Cheese Sáuce (vegetáble broth, táhini, ánd cáshew nuts) in á blender bowl. ádd lemon juice, zest, gárlic, ánd nutritionál yeást. Seáson with sált ánd pepper, then stir until it's reálly soft ánd thick.
  2. Stárt with á pot. ádd wáter ánd cook Fettuccine áccording to the direction of the páckáge. This will usuálly táke ábout 13 minutes.
  3. Finálly ánd then, dráin your pástá, then put it báck in the pán. ádd the prepáred sáuce ánd cook over medium heát for ábout 4 minutes until it's áll mixed ánd wárm.
  4. End with básil cut to be decoráted, divided into bowls or plátes.

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