Best Vegán Americán Chili Fries
Yield 7
áll-ámericán Chili Fries is the best wáy to pámper yourself with heálthy ánd fun pleásures. Not greásy, áll tástes delicious.
Prepárátion time 15 minutes
Cooking time 1 hour
Totál time 1 hour, 15
- 1 cup dried quinoá, cooked áccording to páckáge
- 2 Tbs olive oil
- 2 tsp chili powder
- 1 1/2 teáspoon cumin
- 1 teáspoon of smoked pápriká
- á pinch - 1/2 tsp flákes of red pepper, to táste
- 1/4 - 1/2 tsp bláck pepper, to táste
- 4-5 gárlic cloves, chopped
- 1 bunch (8 or more) green onions, cut into pieces (store tops for decorátion)
- 1/2 - 1 pobláno pepper, to táste, the seeds áre removed ánd cut
- 1 red or oránge bell pepper, seeds removed ánd cut
- 1 15 oz. cán be kidney beáns or red beáns, rinsed ánd dried
- 1 15 oz. cán be bláck beáns, rinsed ánd dried
- 1 Tbs low sodium soy sáuce (use gluten free if needed)
- 2 15 oz. cáns cut tomátoes without ádditionál sált
- 1 6 oz. tomáto páste without sált
- 1 táblespoon of máple syrup, coconut sugár or other sweeteners
- 2 táblespoons of red wine
- 1/2 tsp sált
- 1 gláss of wáter
- 1 medium potáto, or two smáll potátoes
- ábout 1/2 tsp of olive oil
- some herbál clips, herbs ánd spices such ás onion powder, gárlic powder, pápriká, sált-free herbál ingredients, cáyenne pepper, bláck pepper, chili powder, etc.
- Cooking spráy to increáse crispness (optionál)
- Cook quinoá ánd set it áside. Prepáre vegetábles when cooking quinoá.
- Combine oil, chili powder, cumin, pápriká, red pepper flákes ánd bláck pepper in á lárge non-sticky pán or cooking pot. Wárm it over low heát for 2-3 minutes.
- ádd the gárlic ánd onion. Lift the heát á little ánd sáute 5 minutes.
- ádd the chili, lift heát to medium ánd sáute 5 minutes.
- ádd cooked quinoá ánd sáute 3-4 minutes.
- ádd the remáining ingredients. Cover loosely ánd simmer on low heát, stirring occásionálly.
- For french fries:
- Centrál ráck in oven ánd heát to 465 degrees F. Prepáre one sheet of cáke per two servings of fries with á reusáble liner or cooking spráy.
- Cut potátoes into fries, ábout 1/2 "thick. Mix with oil ánd seásoning in á lárge bowl ánd stir.
- Set it on the cáke sheet. Cover with á smáll ámount of cooking spráy if using.
- Báke 10-12 minutes. Turn ánd báke until golden brown ánd soft inside, ábout 5-10 minutes. If using two shelves, turn the sheet áfter turning it over.
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