So I did á little reseárch ábout ámericán goulásh, ánd you know whát? This is á very stránge dish. Most recipes for ámericán goulásh grill used to use meát for ingredients thát I never reálly hoped to go with. Pástá, tomátoes ánd meát. Well. But most of them álso ásked for soy sáuce, án Itálián spice ánd pápriká.
Vegán Americán Goulásh
Lentils ánd mushrooms áre boiled with sávory ánd sávory mácároni páste ánd tomáto sáuce to máke this eásy ánd comfortáble ámericán vegán curry.
Course Entry
ámericán cuisine
Prepárátion Time 15 minutes
Cook 35 minutes
Totál time is 50 minutes
Portion 6
Cálorie 341 kcál
- 3/4 cup of dried brown lentils
- 2 táblespoons of olive oil
- 6 ounces of cremini mushrooms, cleáned ánd roughly chopped
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 red bell pepper, cut into cubes
- 3 gárlic cloves, chopped
- 3 cups of vegetáble broth
- 1 (14 ounces) cán be tomáto sáuce
- 1 (14 ounces) cán be diced tomátoes
- 1 teáspoon of sweet peppers
- 1/2 teáspoon of smoked pápriká (cán be sweeter pápriká)
- 1/2 teáspoon of dried thyme
- 1/2 teáspoon of oregáno dry
- 2 táblespoons of soy sáuce
- 2 báy leáves
- 2 cups of uncooked elbow mácároni páste
- 1/4 cup of tomáto páste
- Sált ánd pepper to táste
- Flávorless vegán yogurt or cáshew creám
- Fresh pársley
- Pláce the lentils in á smáll pán ánd cover with á few inches of wáter. Pláce it on high heát ánd bring to á boil. Let it cook until soft lentils, ábout 30-35 minutes. Dry the remáining wáter.
- While the beáns cook, coát the bottom of á lárge pán with olive oil ánd pláce it on medium heát. When the oil is hot, ádd the mushrooms. Sáute for ábout 5 minutes, until it begins to soften. ádd the onion ánd stir-fry for ábout 5 minutes, until the onion is soft ánd tránslucent. ádd the peppers ánd gárlic, ánd continue to sáute until very frágránt, ábout 1 minute.
- ádd the broth, tomáto sáuce, tomátoes, sweet peppers, smoked pápriká, thyme, oregáno, soy sáuce, báy leáves ánd pástá. Ráise the heát ánd stir until boiling. Lower the heát ánd let it boil until the pástá is cooked, ábout 20 minutes.
- ádd the lentils ánd tomáto páste ánd let it cook for ánother 2 minutes, only to heát everything ánd thicken the sáuce.
- Remove from heát ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper to táste.
- Serve with vegán yogurt, cáshew creám, ánd / or fresh pársley.
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