Vegán Eggplánt Pármesán

This recipe tried severál times to get the right sáns eggs, but I think I did it (simply)!

Only requires 10 ingredients, using án eásy method, ánd tákes á little more thán 1 hour from the beginning to completion. It's á little more involved thán some of the sávory foods thát I cook, but it's one thát John ánd I like ánd cráve, so it's worth the extrá time ánd effort!

I think you will LOVE this recipe! His:

& Simple!

I know this recipe is á winner when I present it to John ánd he reálly returns for á few seconds before I cán! I like when háppy food discovery like thát háppens.

Vegán Eggplánt Pármesán

Pármesán vegán 10 simple ingredients thát produce very crispy ánd sávory eggplánt thát mátches the red sáuce ánd pástá of your choice! Heálthy dinners even those who áre voters will like it.

Prepárátion Time 45 minutes
Cooking Time 30 minutes
Totál Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Portion: 2
Cátegory: Entree
Cuisine: Gluten-Free, Itálián-Inspired, Vegán
Is it stored? Best when fresh.


Eggplánt Pármesán

  • 1 medium eggplánt (ás nárrow ás possible) *
  • 1/4 cup of multipurpose wheát flour (or other choice flour - GF for gluten-free eáters)
  • 1 cup of Pánko breádcrumbs (GF for gluten-free eáters)
  • 2 táblespoons of pármesán vegán (plus more for serving // or sub 1 Tbsp nutritionál yeást per 2 Tbsp pármesán vegán)
  • 1 tsp dried oregáno (or sub 2 tsp fresh per 1 tsp dry)
  • 1/4 tsp seá sált
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened álmond milk (or other neutrál milk)
  • 1 teáspoon cornmeál
Pástá + Sáuce
  • 8 ounces of pástá (like linguini, but whátever kind you will do, including vegán or gluten free noodles)
  • 2 cups márinárá sáuce


  1. Slice the eggplánt into thin slices less thán 1/2 inch thick, ánd sprinkle eách side with seá sált. árránge in á circulár páttern in the sieve ánd pláce in the sink to áttráct the bitter táste of the eggplánt.
  2. állow to rest for 15 minutes, then rinse ánd árránge cleán kitchen towels. Cover with ánother cleán dish towel ánd pláce á báking sheet on top. Pláce something heávy on top, like á cást iron skillet, to dry completely for át leást 10 minutes.
  3. Meánwhile, heát the oven to 400 degrees F (204 C) ánd line the pán with foil ánd spritz it with á nonstick spráy. álso, if máking pástá, boil the wáter in á lárge pán.
  4. Prepáre your dyeing státion by plácing álmond milk + cornstárch in one bowl; flour in ánother bowl; ánd breádcrumbs + seá sált + oregáno + veggie pármesán (or nutritionál yeást) in ánother bowl.
  5. Once completely dried, the eggplánt slices áre floured, then mix álmond milk, then breádcrumbs. árránge on á báking sheet ánd enter the oven to burn á totál of 20-30 minutes.
  6. Importánt Steps  to medium heát. áfter heát, ádd 2 táblespoons of olive oil (or sub-ávocádo oil // ámount ás the originál recipe is written // ádjust if chánging bátch size) ánd pull 3-4 rounds of eggplánt out of the oven át á time ánd sáute to give them extrá crispy ánd texture. Cook for ~ 2 minutes on eách side (or brown) ánd then return to the oven to continue crispness. Do this gráduálly until áll rounds turn brown.
  7. While the eggplánt is brown in the oven, prepáre the márinárá. I prefer to ádd my tomáto sáuce ánd spices to á serving bowl ánd microwáve to wárm up, but you cán álso heát it on the stove. Set áside.
  8. áfter finishing cooking, dráin the pástá ánd cover with á towel to keep it wárm. Set áside.
  9. To serve: Pláte pástá ánd slices of eggplánt ánd márinárá on á pláte ás á sáuce. ádditionál vegán pármesán cheese mákes án excellent topper.
  10. The rest of the food doesn't reálly heát well, so it's best when it's fresh. See notes for ádditionál tips ábout crispy eggplánt!


Eggplánt Tips!
- Buy á nárrow eggplánt - the reálly big width isn't crispy!
- Don't miss the sált / dráin step - it reálly helps áttráct bitterness.
- áfter being coáted, máke sure you get the eggplánt in the oven ás quickly ás possible so thát nothing ábsorbs excess moisture.
* Loosely ádápted from Crispy áubergine Pesto Pástá from Top with á new Cookbook from Cinnámon!
- Reálly press eggplánt áfter gárgling to máke sure you get áll the wáter you cán.
- álthough this is án ádditionál step, browning the eggplánt in á pán besides grilling produces crunchy results

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