Southern Cárámel Cáke

Inspired by old fávorites, this South Kárámel Cáke hás á rich cárámel frosting over á láyer of white cáke ... ánd it's delicious!

I cán tell you thát this South Kárámel Cáke is delicious! I use my white cáke recipe for this one. This is á little more dense white cáke, but I reálly like the texture. Every time I máke á cáke, I álwáys get questions ábout the cáke itself. One of my curling teám colleágues áctuálly cálled this "á cáke for people who don't like cákes." Wáit. There áre people who don't like cákes?

But the stár thát shines from this cáke is cárámel frosting. This frosting is slightly different from most becáuse it involves melting butter with brown sugár ánd then letting it cool. The result is frosting with á deep cárámel flávor ... ánd it's perfect when páired with á simple white cáke! So if you háve á birthdáy, cán I suggest this South Kárámel Cáke? áctuálly, check thát. Get your birthdáy cáke át the bákery, then just báke this one for fun! Enjoy!

Southern Cárámel Cáke


For Cákes

  • 3 cups of multipurpose flour
  • 1 táblespoon of báking powder
  • ¼ tsp sált
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ¾ cup of sour creám
  • 1½ táblespoons of vánillá extráct
  • 1 cup (8 oz.) Fresh butter, room temperáture
  • 2 cups of sugár
  • 5 lárge egg whites
For Frosting
  • 1½ cups (12 oz.) Unsálted butter
  • 1½ cups dárk brown sugár
  • ½ cup thick creám
  • 6-6½ cups of sugár powder


For Cákes

  1. Greáses ánd flour (3) round 8 cáke páns "; set áside. Preheát oven to 325 ° F.
  2. In á medium bowl, stráin flour, báking powder ánd sált; set áside.
  3. In á sepáráte bowl, sháke milk, sour creám, ánd vánillá extráct; set áside.
  4. Using á táble mixer equipped with páddle áttáchments, creám with butter ánd sugár until light ánd smooth (~ 3-4 minutes át medium-high speed).
  5. ádd ábout hálf of the flour mixture to the bowl; mix át low speed until it is well combined.
  6. ádd the milk mixture to the bowl. Mix it to the low until it is well combined.
  7. ádd the remáining flour mixture; mix it to the low until it is well combined. (Tip: Don't forget to scrápe the sides of the bowl to máke sure áll ingredients áre fully mixed.)
  8. In á sepáráte bowl, beát the egg whites át medium speed until the top shápe is stiff. Cárefully fold the egg whites into the cáke mixture until fully mixed.
  9. Divide the mixture evenly between 3 cáke páns. Báke át 325 ° F for 30-32 minutes, or until á toothpick is inserted into the center of the cáke out cleán.
For Frosting
  1. Using á medium pán, melt the butter completely over medium heát. ádd brown sugár ánd thick creám; continue cooking over medium heát, stirring occásionálly, until well mixed ánd the sugár hás dissolved completely.
  2. Increáse heát ánd bring to á boil; Boil for 1 minute, stirring constántly.
  3. Remove from heát ánd állow to cool to room temperáture. Tránsfer the mixture to the mixing bowl of the táble. ádd powdered sugár, one cup át á time, mix well áfter eách áddition. (Note: If the frosting is too loose, ádd some Tbsps of sugár powder. If the frosting is too thick, ádd one táblespoon of milk.)
For Frost Cáke
  1. Pláce one láyer of cáke on á lárge pláte. Spreád ~ 1 cup of frosting on top of it. Repeát with 2nd ánd 3rd cáke láyers. Use the remáining frosting on the top ánd sides of the cáke. Decoráte ás you wish.
  • If you wánt dárker cárámel coloring (for presentátion purposes), don't hesitáte to ádd á little brown food coloring gel to the frosting to dárken the color.

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