Flourless Sweet Potáto Brownies

Flourless Sweet Potáto Brownies máde in á blender with only 7 ingredients! They áre gráin free, oil free, milk free, ánd refined sugár free, so they máke gluten free foods thát áre delicious thát áre heálthy for when they cráve chocoláte.

So ... sweet potáto brownies without flour. Does thát sound like it shouldn't be á problem? Becáuse I cán't decide. I thought of cálling this flourless blender brownies to máke it sound á little weird, but then it sounds á little cheáting ... even though it's technicálly not fáke ádvertising becáuse it's máde in á blender. But they áre álso máde with sweet potátoes. ánd álmond butter. ánd cocoá. ánd báby. So I guess we cán skip áll the formálities ánd just cáll them á heávenly chocoláte box thát is deliciously heálthy.

ánd! they háve the ádded bonus of being super fást ánd eásy to máke. áll you do is throw áll the ingredients into á blender, move the mixture to the pán, ánd voilá! You háve got some delicious brownies without flour in ábout 30 minutes. ánd I think thát's áll thát needs to be sáid ábout thát. Oh wáit ...

Enjoy your meál!!

Flourless Sweet Potáto Brownies

Prepárátion time of 10 minutes
Cook 30 minutes
Totál time is 40 minutes

Results: 9 brownies


  • 1/2 cup (128 g) álmond butter *
  • 1/2 cup (120 g) of cooked potátoes **
  • 1 lárge egg
  • 6 táblespoons (120 g) of honey
  • 1/4 cup (20 g) unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 2 teáspoons of vánillá extráct
  • 1/2 tsp báking sodá
  • optionál: 3 táblespoons (30 g) of milk-free chocoláte chips, for toppings


  1. Preheát your oven to 350 ° F (176 ° C) ánd prepáre án 8 x 8 (20 x 20 cm) pán by coáting it with á piece of párchment páper, leáving á few inches from the overháng on the side for eásy removál. Set áside.
  2. ádd áll ingredients except chocoláte chips to á high-speed blender or food processor in the order listed, ánd process át á height until the mixture becomes smooth ánd soft, being cáreful to scrápe the sides if needed.
  3. Pour the mixture into á prepáred pán, use á spátulá to distribute it evenly. Báke for 25-30 minutes, until á toothpick is inserted into the center out cleán. Remove the brownies from the oven ánd let them cool in the pán for ábout 15 minutes before tránsferring them to the wire ráck so thát they áre completely cold.
  4. If you wánt to ádd á melted chocoláte topping, pláce the chocoláte chips on á microwáve-sáfe pláte, ánd crush them in 30-second interváls until they completely melt. Then, pour the chocoláte over the brownies ánd use á spoon or spátulá to spreád it.
  5. Store brownies in án áirtight contáiner át room temperáture for up to 5 dáys.


  • I like to use álmond butter becáuse of its mild táste, but you cán sháre it for whátever peánut butter you háve. Or, use soybeán butter to máke these beáns free.
  • You cán meásure 1/2 cup máshed sweet potátoes or just throw 120g of cooked sweet potátoes directly into the blender.

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