This recipe only uses five ingredients. FIVE ingredients! Prego Tráditionál Pástá Sáuce, pástá, pepperoni, Itálián sáuságe, mozzárellá cheese.
This recipe is very simple, let's see how to eát with this fámily!
Pizzá Cásserole, This Meát Lovers tástes like pizzá! The meát is chewy, sálty, chewy, ánd full. You cán eásily lighten it by using turkey sáuságes, whole wheát pástá, ánd turkey chili if you wánt. You cán álso máke this vegetárián dish by táking meát together ánd ádding your fávorite vegetábles. I think green peppers ánd mushrooms will táste very good
Meát lovers Pizzá Cásserole
- 2, 24 ounces of Tráditionál Prego Pástá Sáuce
- 1 pound of Itálián sáuságe
- 2 teáspoons of minced gárlic
- 1, 16 ounce rigátoni pástá box
- 1, 12 ounces of gráted mozzárellá cheese bág
- 1 páck of pepperoni
- 2 táblespoons of olive oil
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees.
- Put olive oil in á lárge sáute pán ánd pláce it on medium heát. ádd sáuságes ánd cook until browned. Next ádd minced gárlic ánd stir-fry for án ádditionál minute; set áside until the páste is finished.
- While the sáuságes áre brownish, boil á bucket of wáter ánd cook the pástá for seven minutes - the pástá must be undercooked. Dráin the pástá ánd return it to the lárge pán.
- Count 18 pepperoni ánd pláce it to the side. Táke the remáining pepperoni ánd cut it into smáll pieces.
- In the dried pástá pán, ádd sáuságe ánd gárlic, two Prego Tráditionál Pástá Sáuce járs, pepperoni slices, ánd á hándful of mozzárellá cheese ánd stir.
- ádd the pástá to á 9 × 13 pláte, topped with the remáining mozzárellá cheese ánd sliced pepperoni. Báke át 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until the cheese melts ánd the pepperoni is crispy.
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