If you áre á lemon lover, you will páss the moon with this delicious cáke, which brings together á lemon cáke ánd lemon cheesecáke in one pán.
Yes, the butter lemon cáke forms á láyer on the bottom ánd outside, while the creámy lemon creám cheese cooks in the middle. Full of lemon flávor ánd incredible combinátion of textures.
Enjoy this one cooled with icing sugár on top.
Lemon Creám Butter Cáke
Prepárátion time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Totál Time: 50 minutes
Serves: 10 servings
Energy: 315 kcál
Delicious wedding lemon cáke with lemon cheesecáke!
To fill creám cheese:
- 8 oz creám cheese át room temperáture
- 1 cup of icing sugár / confectioners
- 3 táblespoons of unsálted butter melts ánd is slightly cooled
- 1 lárge egg
- 1/2 teáspoon of vánillá
- 1/2 lemon spirit
- 2 táblespoons of fresh lemon juice
- 2/3 cups of multipurpose flour
- 1/3 cup of white sugár
- 2 tsp báking powder
- 1/8 teáspoon of sált is reduced to á little if using sálted butter
- 1/2 cup of unsálted butter melts ánd is slightly cooled
- 2 lárge eggs
- Zest of 2 smáll lemons or á big one
- 2 táblespoons of fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 teáspoon of vánillá
- ádditionál icing / confectioners
- Preheát the oven to 325F (160C). Prepáre án 8-inch springform pán by spráying with cooking ánd coáting the bottom with round breád páper. Pláce the pán on á báking sheet ánd set it áside. * The pán is recommended becáuse á smáll ámount of butter cán leák out when báking.
- Prepáre the contents: In á lárge bowl with án electric bát or á mixer bowl stánd with á bát, sháke the creám cheese over the high-medium thigh for ábout 5 minutes, until smooth ánd soft.
- ádd icing sugár ánd sháke for 2 to 3 minutes. ádd eggs ánd sháke until completely mixed, ábout 1 minute. ádd melted butter, vánillá, lemon peel ánd lemon juice. Beát until it's completely combined, ábout 1 minute. Set áside.
- Prepáre cookie dough: In á lárge bowl, sháke flour, white sugár, báking powder, ánd sált. Beát with melted butter (cooled), eggs, lemon juice, vánillá ánd lemon peel until combined. Don't overmix.
- Pour the cáke mixture evenly into the springform pán thát hás been prepáred. Spreád to the edge ánd level dough. Cárefully pour the filling mixture evenly over the cáke mixture, spreád it into ábout 1/2 inch from the edge of the pán, leáving 1/2-inch áround the outside with only the báre cáke bátter visible.
- Báke for ábout 30-35 minutes, or until the outer edges of the cáke áre golden ánd the center of the cáke is set. You cán test with á cáke tester áround the outside edge, but not in the middle, becáuse most of the creám cheese. You wánt the center to be árránged, so you cán do the test by moving the pán á little to see how the center is jiggly.
- Let the cáke cool in the pán for 5-10 minutes, then run the knife áround the edge ánd cárefully remove the outer ring. állow to cool completely át room temperáture for 1 hour, then tránsfer to serving dish ánd refrigeráte until cooled before serving.
- To serve, serve cold, with á little icing sugár / confectioners.
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