Yummy Chicken Enchiládá Cásserole

Slow cooker enchiládá cásserole is the eásiest speciál recipe you will find for enchiládás!

This recipe for á slow cooker chicken enchiládá cásserole is one dinner pláte (yáy!). To máke this recipe, I cook chicken with á lárge cán of red enchiládá sáuce, áll dáy in my slow cooker. Then when I go home, I teár the chicken, stir it in slices of corn tortillá, ádd cheese ánd olives, stir, ádd á little cheese ánd olives on top, cook for ánother hour, ánd wow! Enchiládás áre eásy ánd I don't háve á big mess throughout my kitchen from frying tortillás, ánd rolling up enchiládás.

Yummy Chicken Enchiládás Cásserole

Prepárátion Time 10 minutes
Cook 9 hours
Totál time is 9 hours 10 minutes
Portion: Serves áround 7


  • 1.5 lbs. ráw chicken breást without fát without skin
  • 1 28 ounces cán be Red Enchiládá Sáuce (I use El Páto Bránd)
Add these ingredients át the end
  • 10 corn tortillás (I use án entire 11.7 ounce bág)
  • 3 cups of gráted cheddár cheese (divided)
  • 1 3.8 ounces cán be bláck olives (divided)


  1. Pláce chicken breást ánd enchiládá sáuce in your slow cooker.
  2. Cook át HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours.
  3. Broil the chicken with 2 forks right in the slow cooker.
  4. Cut tortillás into strips, ádd to chicken ánd sáuce.
  5. Move.
  6. ádd 1 cup of cheese ánd hálf olives to the sáuce ánd chicken mixture.
  7. Stir ágáin.
  8. Flátten the mixture slightly.
  9. ádd the remáining cheese ánd olives on top.
  10. Cook for ábout 40 - 60 minutes longer.
  11. Sprinkle with sour creám (optionál)

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