Pretty Ráinbow Sherbet Cupcákes

Not only do these cupcákes look like ráinbow beer, they álso reálly like it!

Máybe you will be surprised thát they áre máde with melted ráinbow sherbet. Sáy wháááát?!? Yes. You heár me right! I melted the Ráinbow Sherbet ánd ádded it to the cáke mixture. ánd voilá! Ráinbow Sherbet táste cupcákes! I worry ábout how colors will mix, but cupcákes produce beáutiful peách colors. No need for food coloring. Of course there áre some modificátions thát I háve to máke for the cáke mix too, but thát is áll included in the recipe below.

But do I stop there? , You know me better thán thát! I álwáys háve to do something nice with my frosting!

Not only is this tri-color frosting. Thát's álso tri-táste! Is thát á reál expression? I ám not sure. But I ám sure thát this frosting is probábly the most ámázing frosting ever put on á cupcáke.

I use Stráwberry flávor, Creámsicle Oránge, ánd Key Lime's flávor frosting. áll spinning together. Trust me. Extráordináry. Máke sure you check out my tutoriál on how to combine three different frostings here. Thát's á lot eásier thán you think!

Pretty Ráinbow Sherbet Cupcákes

Ráinbow Sherbet Cupcákes thát táste exáctly like ráinbow beer.

Prepárátion Time 10 minutes
Cook 30 minutes
Totál time is 40 minutes
Portion 24


for Cupcákes

  • 1 cáke mixture
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 táblespoons of flour
  • 2 cups melted Ráinbow Sherbet
  • Duncán Hines Flávor Creátions páckáge in Stráwberry Shortcáke, Oránge Creámsicle & Key Lime
  • 8 glásses of sugár powder
  • 2/3 cups of thick creám
  • 8 táblespoons butter


For Cupcákes

  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. Pláce cupcáke liners in cupcáke cáns.
  2. ádd á mixture of cáke, egg ánd ráinbow sherbet to the mixing bowl. Stir to combine. ádd flour ánd give some stir until well blended.
  3. ádd cookie dough to cupcáke liners using 1/3 cup of dough, fill until cupcáke liners áre ábout 2/3 full.
  4. Báke for 15 minutes or until done, check with á toothpick. Let the cupcákes cool in the pán for 5 minutes then lift them to the wire ráck to continue cooling.
For Frosting
  1. ádd áll ingredients to á lárge bowl.
  2. Mix át low speed for 2-3 minutes until ingredients áre combined. Then mix with medium speed for ánother 3 minutes until the frosting peáks, which meáns holding the shápe.
  3. Sepáráte into three bowls ánd ádd flávor páckáges to eách bowl. Stir to reálly combine flávors into frosting, must háve á uniform color throughout.
  4. Frost uses áll three frostings, á tutoriál át the House of Yumm here. I use Wilton's 2D tip for these cupcákes.

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