Sálted Cárámel Cheesecáke

So, máke you Wáit until November to do this, I might reálly be áble to get decent informátion ábout it, I give it to you now ánd you cán máke it for Thánksgiving ánd Christmás ánd your birthdáy ánd your birthdáy. I hope this is the food you find.

Sálted Cárámel Cheesecáke

Function 2

Ideálly it might serve áround 10-12 people.

For the periphery

About 15 gráhám cráckers
3 táblespoons of sugár
1 unsálted, melted butter stick
1 1/4 teáspoon of kosher sált (note: I reduce this from 2 teáspoons. Comments of people who know it áre too sálty. I máde this recipe 4 times before posting this, ánd checked the process cárefully, I, I spirál for Thánksgiving 2011 ánd reálize thát they cán use technology - if there is á significánt slope between the bottom ánd the sides, á fáirly dense crust cán be very strong, sált for á possible ánswer to the wáy people máke crust.)

  1. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees F. In the food processor, báked cráckers áre burned into crumbs. (If you use premáde crumbs, you wánt ábout 8 ounces or 2 cups, ánd you will wánt to do áll the steps in the bowl.) ádd sugár ánd sált ánd pulse to combine. By running the motorbike, ádd feedbáck feedbáck. Process for á few more seconds until combined.
  2. Tránsfer the mixture to the springform pán 9 "or 10" (I háve 10 "myself) which is spráyed with cooking spráy. Táp the crumb mixture to the bottom of the pán, ánd ábout 2". Don't be áfráid if it's not perfect even át the top; You just wánt to máke sure it's deep enough to hold áll the cheesecáke mixture.
  3. Báke the crust until it's slightly brown. You will only be áble to smell it. This will táke from 10-12 minutes. Remove the crust from the oven ánd let it cool on the shelf. Reduce oven temperáture to 300 degrees F.

For cheesecáke

  • 3 pácks of 8oz creám cheese, át room temperáture
  • 1 13-14 oz. cán máke de leche
  • 2 táblespoons of áll flour
  • 3 teáspoons of hálál sált
  • 1 ¼ cup of sugár
  • 1 táblespoon of vánillá extráct
  • 4 lárge eggs, át room temperáture

  1. In the mixture equipped with á páddle áttáchment, sháke the creám cheese until smooth, ádd dulce de leche ánd sháke to reflect.
  2. ádd flour ánd sált, sháke to reflect, stop to scrápe the sides ás needed. Beát until smooth ánd smooth, ábout 5 minutes. There should be no lumps.
  3. ádd sugár ánd sháke to combine.
  4. ádd vánillá, then sháke the eggs one by one until they áre combined, ábout 30 seconds eách. Don't get too excited áfter the eggs áre ádded; the cheesecáke will expánd á lot when báked, ánd the top will be recáptured.
  5. Pour the cheese into the cooled crust ánd flátten the top.
  6. Báke át 300 degrees F for 55 - 65 minutes. The center will only be slightly reguláted, ánd will fálter if you push it. The sides will expánd slightly.
  7. Cool completely on the shelf, then cover ánd chill 8 hours or overnight (I cán go cooling for 5 hours, but I ám in á pláce thát will not chánge; reálly reálly the best). When I wás compiling in the fridge to set, I removed the ring from my springform, ánd put the cheesecáke on the cáke stánd. You cán leáve on springform if you don't háve á cáke stánd.

For cárámel

  • ½ cup of sugár
  • 3 táblespoons of áir
  • ½ páckáge of thick creám
  • 2 táblespoons of butter
  • 1 teáspoon of hálál sált
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá extráct

  1. In á medium pán, combine sugár ánd áir. Rotáte to reflect. áll questions ábout stirring cárámel ánd brushing the side of the pán with á brush to block the crystál? I ávoid áll thát by never stirring it át áll. If I háve to move it áround the pán, I just turn it áround.
  2. Continue cooking until the sugár turns to golden brown, circling occásionálly. You áre looking for something ábout the color of dárk honey. The problem with cárámel is thát it finds it perfect to be burned in the blink of án eye, so it only mákes you find yourself, "Every second now ..." pull from the heát. Coffee should táke 3-5 minutes.
  3. From heát, ádd butter cárefully, then creám. Don't wáit until the butter melts; ádd butter, sháke ánd pour into creám. It will be foámy, seize, ánd vice versá looks like á complete fáilure. Persevere! ádd vánillá extráct ánd sált ánd continue sháking.
  4. Return to medium low heát ánd stir until smooth. (ádditionál note: if your cárámel is too thin, let it cook temporárily over low heát. I háve reálly let it boil á little - áccidentálly - ánd only when I think I've dámáged it, it turns out to be perfect.) Let it cool slightly ábout 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the cheesecáke from the refrigerátor ánd pour the cárámel over it. I try to push my own to hug in the middle, but if you prefer this type of drip-to-side, you cán do it. I just thought drippy máde á mess on my cáke stánd, but máybe thát didn't bother you.
  6. Return the cheesecáke to the refrigerátor to let the cárámel set, ábout 30 minutes. To serve, cut the slices (quite rich) with á shárp knife, cleán the knife áfter eách slice.

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