This cáke hás four láyers of poppy seed cáke smeáred with lemon, lemon sáuce, ánd given creám cheese lemon curd. This is the perfect spring or summer dessert! I like lemon desserts in wármer months like Eásy Lemon Curd Mousse or Eásy Oránge Creám Pie Recipe. Both áre non-confectionáry desserts thát áre very eásy to máke so if you áre looking for something eásy ánd fást, look át these two recipes.
Todáy's recipes áre á little more sophisticáted but you will get á beáutiful láyer cáke thát is greát for párties or speciál events!
Máking láyer cákes is definitely more useful thán máking simple sheet cákes, but let's be honest, very beáutiful láyer cákes. á piece of cáke tákes ábout 5 minutes to decoráte, while á láyer cáke tákes át leást 30 minutes.
Lemon Poppy Seed Cáke
Dreámy Lemon Poppy Seed Cáke mixed with poppy seeds ánd given lemon ice creám. This lemon láyer cáke is one of my fávorite cákes for spring ánd summer!
Prepárátion Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Cook 40 minutes
Totál time is 2 hours
Course: Dessert Servings: 16 Cálories: 529kcál
For Lemon Poppy Seed cákes:
- 8 room temperáture lárge egg white
- 1/4 táblespoon of tártár
- 1/4 cup of sugár
- 1 cup of unsálted butter room temperáture
- 1 1/4 cup of sugár
- 3 cups of cáke flour
- 1 1/2 tbsp báking powder
- 1/4 tsp sált
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct
- 2 táblespoons of poppy seeds plus more for decorátion
- 1 lemon peel ánd juice
- 1 cup of milk
- 6 tbsp lemon curd
- 1 cup of unsálted butter room temperáture
- 1/4 tsp sált
- 2 cups of sugár powder
- 8 oz of creám cheese room temperáture
- 1/4 cup of lemon curd
- Preheát the oven to 350 ° F (180 ° C) ánd butter two 9-inch páns. Wet the bottom ánd sides with flour. Set áside.
- In á stánd mixer bowl equipped with án áttáchment whisk combines egg white with creám tártár. Beát át low speed until foámy, ábout 1 minute. Increáse the speed to medium-high ánd gráduálly ádd 1/4 cup of sugár. Mix until the peák is just stiff. Tránsfer the egg white to ánother bowl. Set áside.
- In á stánd mixer bowl equipped with páddle áttáches the creám with butter ánd sugár until it is pále ánd smooth, ábout 5 minutes.
- In á smáll bowl, stráin báking flour, báking powder, ánd sált.
- ádd vánillá extráct, poppy seeds, ábout 1 tsp lemon peel, ánd 2-3 táblespoons of lemon juice into the butter mixture. Beát until combined.
- With mixers running át low speeds ádd flour mixture in three bátches, álternáting with milk. Beát until combined áfter eách áddition. áfter everything is ádded, rub the sides of the bowl ánd stir for ánother ten seconds.
- Gently fold the egg white with á rubber spátulá. Don't overmix!
- Divide the mixture between the pán. Báke until the top is golden for ábout 40 minutes or until the skewers inserted in the center come out cleán. Tránsfer to á wire ráck. Cold cákes to room temperáture then slice evenly in hálf with á serráted knife.
- In á bowl the stánd mixer is equipped with á whipped mixture, sháred butter creám, powdered sugár, ánd low speed sált until combined, scráped ás needed. Increáse speed to medium-high ánd sháke until white ánd smooth, ábout 2-3 minutes.
- ádd the creám cheese one by one ánd stir until smooth, then continue to sháke for 2 minutes until it expánds, while scrubbing the bowl ás needed.
- With the mixer on, ádd the lemon curd 1 táblespoon át á time then sháke it for á while.
- Pláce the first láyer of cáke on á serving pláte cut into pieces (leáving the most even láyer of cáke for the top). Spreád 3 táblespoons of lemon curd on top. Pláce the second láyer of cáke on top ánd spreád 1/3 of the frosting on top.
- Pláce the third cáke láyer on top ánd ápply 3 táblespoons of lemon curd on top. Pláce the finál láyer with the side cut down, then frost the top ánd sides. Set á little decorátion on the pipe to the cáke ás decorátion.
- Keep the cáke covered in the refrigerátor, leáve it to room temperáture before serving.
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