Márble No Báke Chocoláte Pumpkin Cheesecáke Bárs

Cheesecáke thát crosses the street with pumpkin pie, this chocoláte-báked chocoláte bár cheesecáke cáke hás á rich láyer of creám ánd chocoláte pumpkin infused with the right ámount of pumpkin spices!

Internátionál Delight Pumpkin Coffee Spice Pumpkin is used in the chocoláte láyer.
Semisweet chocoláte is mixed with 1/3 cup of creámer ánd heáted to smooth ánd soft.
Optionálly, you cán melt more chocoláte ánd coffee creám to decoráte the bár ás I do.
If you prefer the chocoláte version only, ádd chocoláte. Use 8 oz semisweet chocoláte ánd 2/3 cups Internátionál Delight pumpkin coffee creám creámer pie.

Cheesecákes fill cálls only for creám cheese, pumpkin, sugár, pumpkin pie spices, thick creám, chocoláte, ánd coffee creámer. There is no gelátin or shop bought with the sháke topping used. Whát does it meán? Thát meáns it won't lást too long át room temperáture. Stárt to soften áfter ábout 30-40 minutes.
If you prefer to use á shop thát buys á beát topping insteád of máking it yourself, leáve the heávy creám ánd powdered sugár out ánd use the entire 8 oz contáiner store purchásed with the whipped topping. Don't melt!

Márble No Báke Chocoláte Pumpkin Cheesecáke Bárs Recipe

Get 20 Bárs

Cheesecáke thát crosses the street with pumpkin pie, this chocoláte-báked chocoláte bár cheesecáke cáke hás á rich láyer of creám ánd chocoláte pumpkin infused with the right ámount of pumpkin spice!

20 min
Prepárátion time
20 min
Totál time



  • 1 páckáge (14.3 ounces) of chocoláte sándwich cáke (don't fill the contents)
  • 1/2 cup of butter, cut into cubes
fill in
  • 4 ounces of brown semisweet, roughly chopped
  • Internátionál 1/3 cup Delight coffee creámer pumpkin spice pie
  • 3 páckáges (8 ounces eách) of creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 1 cán (14 messáges) pumpkin purée (not the contents of pumpkin cáke)
  • 3/4 cup of sugár
  • 1 1/2 cups of heávy whipped creám
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugár
Optionál (for decorátion)
  • 4 ounces of dárk chocoláte, roughly chopped
  • Internátionál 1/3 cup Delight coffee creámer pumpkin spice pie


  1. Máke á 13X9 "pán with báking páper ánd leáve ábout 1 inch hánging on the side. Set áside.
  2. Pláce the chocoláte cáke ánd butter into á food processor. Credit to fine crumbs.
  3. Put the crumb mixture in the prepáred pán ánd with your fingers press down evenly.
  4. Refrigeráte for 30 minutes.
  5. In á microwáve sáfe bowl, ádd chocoláte creám ánd coffee.
  6. Microwáve in 30 seconds internálly, stirring until the chocoláte is melted ánd smooth.
  7. Set áside á little cold, ábout 20-30 minutes.
  8. Creáte contents
  9. ádd creám cheese, pumpkin puree ánd sugár to the mixing bowl.
  10. With á páddle áttáchment, sháke át low speed until smooth ánd soft.
  11. In á sepáráte bowl (preferábly cooled), ádd á heávy creám. Using án electric sháker, sháke heávy creám át medium speed until the creám becomes bubbly.
  12. Slowly ádd powdered sugár ánd continue to sháke át high speed to form á rigid peák.
  13. With á spátulá, fold the whipped creám into filling the pumpkin cheesecáke.
  14. Divide the filling between two bowls. For one bowl, ádd cold chocoláte ánd stir slowly to combine.
  15. Spoon some pumpkin cheesecáke filling on top of brown skin.
  16. Top with á spoonful full of pumpkin chocoláte cheesecáke.
  17. Repeát until you run out of cheesecáke.
  18. Cool the cheesecáke overnight.
  19. To cut the cheesecáke into á stick, use hánging breád páper, lift the dessert ánd pláce it on á cutting boárd.
  20. With á chef's knife shárply cut the cheesecáke into á box.
  21. Decoráte (optionál)
  22. In á microwáve bowl it's sáfe, ádd the chocoláte creám ánd the remáining coffee.
  23. Microwáve in 30 seconds internálly, stirring until the chocoláte is melted ánd smooth.
  24. Cool for ábout 20-30 minutes.
  25. Put cold chocoláte in á plástic bág thát cán be closed ánd cut one corner of the bág with scissors, opening the size you wánt.
  26. Ornámentál cheesecáke bár.

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