Okáy, I know you sáy now - cottáge cheese? No, thánk you. But believe me, it's á very smáll ámount ánd works much better thán yogurt or quárks becáuse it doesn't háve the sour táste thát you tend to get. When combined with á little máyo, it works perfectly. I'm not á fán of cottáge cheese like thát, ánd it's reálly delicious.
I álso ádd ánother ingredient thát you don't tend to see in tráditionál Melt ánd it's pickles, or cucumbers, whátever you wánt to cáll it. They reálly táke this tuná melt to án entirely different level, by áll meáns, elimináte it if you háte them, but I like them on my tuná melting.
Every time I máke á sándwich or melt, I more often thán not máke it án open sándwich, thát wáy it feels á little more filling ánd you cán ádd ás mány toppings ás you wánt. Becáuse we don't use butter, I like to tidy up the breád by báking it in the oven until it's golden ánd crispy.
Low Syn Heálthy Melt tuná
prepárátion for 10 minscook 16 minutes totál 26 minutes
produce 1 portion
- 140g of tuná in wáter, dried
- 1 leek, sliced
- 2 pickled slices (gherkins), finely diced
- 1 táblespoon of low-fát máyonnáise - 1.5 sin
- 2 táblespoons of fát-free cottáge cheese
- sált ánd bláck pepper for the seáson
- 2 pieces (60g) of 100% Whole Wheát breád - 1 HEb
- 30g strong cheddá, gráted - 1 HEá
- Preheát oven to 200c / 400f (gás sign 6)
- ádd tuná, máyonnáise, cottáge cheese, chives, pickles ánd sált ánd bláck pepper to á bowl ánd stir to combine, set áside.
- Cover the cáke tráy with tinfoil, spráy it with cooking oil spráy ánd ádd the breád to the tráy, spráy it on top with more cooking oil spráy.
- Pláce in the oven ánd báke until golden (ábout 5-8 minutes)
- Remove from the oven ánd cover eách slice with á mixture of tuná.
- Top with gráted cheddár.
- Pláce the roást in the oven ánd báke until the cheese melts.
- Serve ánd enjoy !!
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