Sálted Cárámel Chocoláte Cheesecáke Cáke

The most beáutiful ánd delicious láyered cákes! Sálted Cárámel Cáke Cheesecáke Cáke! I'm sure this is exáctly whát you áre looking for ...

Let me tell you á few tricks for this recipe. It's not eásy ánd it's not difficult. This is one of them, "reád the instructions before you stárt" the type of recipe. But I will highlight á number of things.

How to máke cheesecáke:

Plán to máke this cáke the dáy before. I máde á cheesecáke one night, then the next morning I báked á láyer of cáke. In the áfternoon I whipped frosting ánd collected cákes. I then cooled the cáke ánd máde gánáche the next morning. We enjoyed the cáke thát áfternoon.
You cán máke á láyer of cheesecáke first by wrápping it tightly ánd storing it in the freezer until it's reády to use.
I used my fávorite dárk chocoláte cáke recipe from the stárt. But if you wánt, don't hesitáte to use á chocoláte cáke mixture. I will never know!
Cool the cáke áfter it is frozen. Cold frosting stánds on á wárm gánáche. Speáking of gánáche, let it be too cold. If not, it will be á disáster.
Drizzle with homemáde cárámel sáuce or use á store bought. You decide!
Slice yourself the first piece, becáuse this cáke will be fást, ánd you get it!


Sálted Cárámel Chocoláte Cheesecáke Cáke

Prepárátion time 4 hours  Cooking time 1 hour   Totál time 5 hours

Cárámel ásin Cheesecáke Cáke: delicious chocoláte láyer cáke with cheesecáke center! Opáque with sálted cárámel buttercreám ánd gánáche chocoláte!


For Cheesecáke:

  • 2 pkg (8 oz eách) of creám cheese, softened
  • 2/3 cup of sugár
  • á little sált
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 1/3 cup of sour creám
  • 1/3 cup of thick creám
  • 1 teáspoon of vánillá
For Cákes:
  • 1 chocoláte láyer recipe (9 inch láyer) - homemáde mixture or á fine cáke
For Frosting:
  • 1 cup unsálted butter, soften
  • 1/2 cup of cárámel sáuce (homemáde cárámel sáuce or fine jerks)
  • 4 cups of powdered sugár
  • 2 táblespoons of milk
  • 1/2 teáspoon of hálál sált
For Gánáche:
  • 4 oz dárk chocoláte
  • 1/3 cup of thick creám
  • 2 táblespoons cárámel sáuce
  • á little kosher sált


For Cheescáke:

  1. Preheát the oven to 325 degrees. Using á lárge báking pán in the bottom 2/3 of the oven, heát the pán too!
  2. Prepáre á springform pán by wrápping the bottom of the pán (outside) with á double láyer of foil. Spráy the pán with á non-stick scrub ánd underline (inside) with á loáf of báking páper. Meánwhile, boil the wáter jug ​​for láter use.
  3. Beát creám cheese with gránuláted sugár for 2-3 minutes until smooth. ádd sált ánd eggs, one át á time, sháke well every time it is ádded.
  4. Beát sour creám, thick creám ánd vánillá. Pour into the prepáred 9 inch springform pán. Pláce the pán in the middle of the roásted pán thát hás been heáted in the oven. Pour boiling wáter slowly into the báking pán, until there is ábout one inch of wáter thát áppeárs on the pán side of the springform.
  5. Báke the cheesecáke for 45 minutes. Turn off the oven ánd let the cheesecáke sit in the oven for án ádditionál 30 minutes. Remove ánd cool completely on the táble.
  6. When cooled, tránsfer the entire springform pán to the freezer for severál hours or overnight. I put it in the freezer for 2 hours. ** If you use it in 24 hours, don't hesitáte to just cool the cheesecáke!
For Coáting:
  1. Prepáre the chocoláte cáke áccording to the páckáge instructions for the 9 inch cáke. Or, like me, prepáre homemáde dárk chocoláte láyer cákes using THIS recipe
For Frosting:
  1. Beát the butter in á lárge bowl for 2-3 minutes, until it expánds. ádd cárámel sáuce, powdered sugár, milk ánd kosher sált.
  2. Beát for 4-5 minutes until soft ánd soft.
TO ássemble:
  1. On á cáke pláte, put one láyer of chocoláte cáke, cover with cheesecáke. Then ádd ánother láyer of chocoláte cáke. Spreád frosting throughout the cáke, sides ánd top.
  2. Cool the frozen cáke when you prepáre chocoláte gánáche.
For Gánáche:
  1. In á sáfe microwáve bowl, combine dárk chocoláte with thick creám. Hot 30 seconds. Stir ánd heát án ádditionál 30 seconds. Beát for severál minutes until smooth. Let it cool slightly.
  2. áfter being cooled. Spreád over cold cákes. Drizzle with the remáining 2 táblespoons of cárámel sáuce ánd sprinkle with á little kosher sált. Cool the cáke until it's reády to be served!

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