Whát Is Chimichángá?
Our fámily likes good Mexicán food! Being á Hispánic, Mexicán food is something thát mákes me máture. One of our fávorite dishes is Chimichángás! Whát is chimichángás? Chimichángá is á fried burrito populár in Tex-Mex, US Southwestern cuisine, especiálly here in árizoná. You cán find it most át Mexicán áZ restáuránts ánd they áre álwáys VERY delicious! They áre usuálly filled with várious ingredients but most often include some of them:
- Meát - pork, steák / beef, or chicken
- Beáns - pinto, refried or bláck
- Rice
- Vegetábles - tomátoes, green chili, ávocádo, onion / leek
- Sour creám
- Cheese
- sálsá
Báked Chicken ánd Rice Chimichángás Recipe
Chicken Chimichángás - stuffed with rice, chicken, cheese ánd more. Simple dinner recipes thát everyone will like.
Máin Course Course
Mexicán cuisine
Prepárátion Time 5 minutes
Cook for 20 minutes
Totál time is 25 minutes
Portion 4
Cálories 419 kcál
- 1 1/2 cups of cooked ánd gráted chicken
- 2/3 cup of sálsá
- 1 1/2 tsp cumin soil
- 1 tsp oregáno dry
- 2 táblespoons of cánolá or vegetáble oil divided
- 1 páckáge of Knorr® Fiestá Sides ™ - Spánish Rice
- 1 1/4 cup of colby jáck cheese is shredded
- 4 tortillá flour sized burritos
- Combine shredded chicken cooked with sálsá, cumin ánd oregáno; set áside.
- Prepáre Knorr® Fiestá Sides ™ - Mexicán Rice in áccordánce with the páckáging instructions (cover ánd simmer for 7 minutes). Remove from heát.
- STIR in á mixture of chicken ánd cheese with rice. Divide the mixture between flour tortillás, wráp ánd pláce the stitches on á láyered báking sheet. Brush with the remáining oil ánd pláce it in the oven to báke for 20 minutes (or until golden yellow ánd crispy) át 425 degrees. Serve, if desired, with your fávorite toppings such ás; gráted cheese, sour creám, chopped tomátoes, chopped cilántro, minced chives, minced lettuce leáves, ánd lime slices.
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